Britney Spears
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- 15 replies
Perez Hilton was at Britney Spears piece of me show last night and he said he had a blast! Perez Hilton was also Britney Freakshow bitch last night. Our staff member King Anthony tweeted him asking him how the show wass, he responded saying "it was a blast". Looks like he had so much fun last night. The queen always puts on a good show to be honest. Check out the videos and tweets below that he posted. All these celebrities going to see the queen in Vegas when will your faves to be honest?? Read it on our mainsite!
Last reply by Jeansus Spears, -
- 13 replies
Last reply by Teresa, -
- 43 replies
Britney Vs Beyonce' All of the charts. All of the numbers. Everyone thinks Beyoncé is so much more popular than Britney or owns the throne but she really doesn't though. Britney has 9 top 10 albums. 9 top 5 albums. 9 top 4 albums. 7 top 3 albums. 7 top 2 albums. 6 number 1 albums. 32 entries in the hot 100 that have charted out of 42 singles. Britney has done 4 songs with other artists Pharrell, Madonna, Rihanna & Will.I.Am. Britney releases anywhere from 2-4 singles per album. 23 top 40's. 17 top 20's 13 top 10's 9 top 5's 5 #1's. Beyoncé solo career she has 5 top 10 albums. 5 top 5 albums. 5 number 1 albums. 36 singles to chart out 58 sing…
- 95 replies
- 2.8k views Can't copy paste bc I'm on my phone. Super sad. But very interesting. Don't like Ariana.
Last reply by PopMusicJunkie, -
- 8 replies
1999: Baby One More Time Tour - Boston, MA (USA) 2001: On the set of 'I'm A Slave 4 U' music video in Universal City, CA 2006: Out for lunch in Malibu
Last reply by Everytime, -
- 2 replies
okey so I was watching this video from yesterday and you can hear that the speech was longer than what we have heard/seen, cause she's saying "yeah, yeah" and people are booing, does anyone know exactly what she said?
Last reply by Andrés, -
- 7 replies
is it an specific song??? a music video?? an specific performance?? a dance move?? something she said in an interview?? one of her cameos on TV?? please post in this thread pics, videos, or songs that make you feel that you have been slay me i just loved her voice in this song and awesome video and...... [media] [media/] liveney what about you guys????
Last reply by LiaLovesGodney, -
- 48 replies
When and how did we find out about Myah? Lol... don't hate I honestly just wondered! P.s.- I'm back!
Last reply by EnjoyTheRide, -
- 10 replies
a german celebritiy website wrote that Britney wants to get back with her Ex Adnan Ghalib. I'm pretty sure that this is BS, what do you think? Here's the link and sorry for my bad english
Last reply by Nickey, -
- 19 replies
- 514 views Enjoy I also recorded both nights audio with a HD digital audio recorder and will be posting those soon!
Last reply by tiktik, -
- 25 replies
Britney was pointing at him while singing Womanizer in TFFT show @ Lisbon Kinda suspicious... :MGLOL:
Last reply by Yatz, -
- 3 replies
So, how many events will she be attending to and when are they? I'm sorry for the annoying questions but I want to know
Last reply by I_need_me, -
- 31 replies
At 8:16 you can hear her say "So now you're all in my grill," but the lyrics are really "Now you're all in my grill." Is Britney finally starting to sing under the backing track?
Last reply by BraveNewSeth, -
- 7 replies
The onstage moment, however brief and amusing, was the first time Spears has directly acknowledged rumors that former boyfriend Lucado was unfaithful to her. Although she’s made oblique references on social media to “the single life†and “having a sh–tty day,†hearing her say the words so plainly in front of thousands of fans was both unexpected and heartwarming. Not surprisingly, Britney’s fans are firmly on her side. how no stan for her? lol..
Last reply by Maria Spears, -
Last reply by Xhesiko, -
- 14 replies
Its going around twitter. Who is this girl??????? I am so confused?? Lucky???
Last reply by Joanhs, -
- 44 replies
Week [2] Those who only watched Live From Miami or Live From Lisbon probably don't know about this alternative outfit from The Onyx Hotel Tour. We are not sure how many times Britney wore it and we don't have many pictures so it's quite rare. It's inspired by the one from the Outrageous music video. Tell me which one do you prefer, white or black! Tour/Performance: The Onyx Hotel Tour Song: Outrageous City: Oakland/Providence/Denver/Omaha/Philadelphia + Unknown Leg: 1st Date: March 9, 2004/April 8, 2004/March 15, 2004/March 17, 2004/March 31, 2004 + Unknown - 1:13:00 ↠Other Weeks →
Last reply by ▲▼▲BlackoutZone▲▼▲, -
- 21 replies
Guys, I didn't know that people that live in the US can't watch the MATM video, they can't watch it in the Youtube channel and vevo doesn't have it in its web I can't believe that Vevo doesn't allow to people from Brit's native country watch such an epic video, that's why on Youtube it just has like 6000000 views This video deserves to be certified, WTF is Vevo thinking? We should do something like spaming Vevo's facebook and twitter accounts, because they can't do this to Britney and us
Last reply by TheSnake, -
- 69 replies
He was A M A Z I N G!!! He made choreographies for: - Born To Make You Happy - I'm A Slave 4 U - Dream Within A Dream Tour (he also directed the tour!!!) - He started to make The Circus Starring: Britney Spears but team replaced him (-.-'') - Live profrmances like VMAs 2000/2001 - Pepsi commercials He wrote/produced: - Britney (album) - Welcome To Me - It's Britney Spears, Baby - Remixes and interludes from Dream Within A Dream Tour (best Baby One More Time remix ) We need him again! His choreos would slay our lives and he could also produce her nest album!
Last reply by Maria Spears, -
- 22 replies
- 820 views So cute and personal! Best speech in history since Martin Luther
Last reply by Everytime, -
- 21 replies
We are not far off. We can easily do this. If we do we have a chance for 6 VEVO Certified Videos this year. We will have two records. The only person to have Certifications from 3 separate decades and the only one to have 6 Certified Videos in one year. So what are you waiting for? Watch, Watch, Watch!!! Circus Britney Spears 99,880,248 views
Last reply by Brian.TheDog, -
- 28 replies
Summer: School: I start school again tomorrow My school has so many students that there are 2 campuses, one for freshman and one for the rest so now (since I'm a sophomore) i'll have to transition over and adapt to a new school again and it's SO big! I don't even need to work bitch, going to my classes will wear me out but at least I'll be wearing my femme fatale bracelet and some Curious Are any of you in school yet (if you are even young enough to go to school)? Tell me your stories
Last reply by I've Just Begun, -
- 34 replies
Am i the only one who remembers seeing different versions of the Crazy video? Just different takes in some parts just like Stronger
Last reply by SkyNet, -
- 16 replies
Is this real guys?
Last reply by me2ulovebritt, -
- 6 replies
I don't mean the short instagram clip...
Last reply by Jenlicious,
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