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Aleks last won the day on February 8 2023

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About Aleks

  • Birthday March 8

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  1. I’m sorry things have been rough! If you ever need to vent you can DM me anytime!
  2. I’m good! How are you? But yeah same. I try to stay away from Britney stuff on social media, all the Qanon geniuses are exhausting! Watch Your Back cleared my skin, made me a skinny legend and fixed my anxiety
  3. JOSH!! Welcome back!! I will be streaming Illusion (and the iconic masterpiece watch your back)
  4. I totally agree, but it's probably easier to sell FreeBritney-merch when there's a scary conspiracy going on. I don't doubt for a second that many of the bigger FreeBritney-accounts are in it for the money and popularity they gain. I'm seriously considering blacklisting the word "Britney" from Twitter. It's getting exhausting to see all the crazy conspiracy theories. Again, I'm so grateful for your thought-out posts.
  5. This a 100%. There's something special about seeing a bunch of men decide how a woman feels in 2021. They go out of their way to invalidate her in every possible way when something doesn't fit their narrative. I've honestly lost all faith in the "movement". It isn't said enough. I really appreciate your takes on the forum, @heather.
  6. We're already there. Did you hear about the #FreeBritney online shop? They sold different type of #FreeBritney merchandise, where a smaller % of the profit went to organizations fighting guardian abuse and some of the profit was allegedly used to pay for court documents and other expenses. The whole movement has become one giant mess after the all the drama. Many of the bigger profiles should have their platforms taken away.
  7. Weren't Jamie and Lynne together on hearings last year too? I really hope there will be an outcome in Britney's best interest this time. We know very little about Britney's health, but Jamie should never have been put in charge. He's unsuited at every possible level.
  8. It was a super cute shoot! She has, hands down, the best captions ever. They always makes me smile! I've always assumed it's about The Holy Trinity
  9. I saw some of it, and this is a huge mistake. He's definitely not mature enough for this, and I really hope this doesn't spin out of control. And I pray the media doesn't use it in any way!
  10. People said she didn’t care about The Zone, the letters people wrote and so on. But who could blame her? That’s the same people that are bullying her in her comment sections. It must be difficult for her to WANT to interact with a fan base where the majority are shitty no-life people who bully her and spread insane conspiracy theories. But don’t you all think things would, at some level, calm down a bit if they took away the comment sections? That’s the number one platform for Britney-bullying.
  11. Definitely. I do the same rocking side to side-thing when my anxiety is bad. I made the mistake of looking at the comments - it's disgusting. I'm still pro-"turn off the comment section on Instagram". I thought the video was cute to be honest! It's sweet of her to actually make a video, even-though she knows the hate comments she'll get. But maybe it will inspire her to write a new letter to her fans. I miss those!
  12. Me too. I wish they/she would turn off the comment section. It shouldn’t be necessary, but there’s so much bullying going on there
  13. Omg, I love it!
  14. From the outside, this looks really messy. But I'm glad the judge isn't rushing it and making the wrong decisions. Regarding Britney not showing up.. I can't help but think that the #FreeBritney-rally really didn't help Britney. It must have been scary enough going to court without having a big rally outside. I mean no disrespect for the people who showed up. I do believe they held the rally out of concern and love for Britney.
  15. Los Angeles Times has made an investigative article about Britney's conservatorship. It has a lot of interesting points, from both the journalist and several experts. It's worth a read. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-britney-spears-conservatorship-20190625-story.html
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