So it's a really simple game, i will give ya'll 1 to 3 words and they all have some relationship with a certain britney song, you then have to figure out which song it is, some will be easy as fuck and some will be basically impossible to figure out, when you get an answer right you get a point and i will update the OP with it as well as giving new clues for a different song.
Now this first one is going to be the easiest one
Clues Song Person who got it correct
1. Poison- Toxic [member=Dolce]
2. Army Toy soldier [member= Detonated]
3. Tom Peep Show No one guessed it right
4. Civil (Hard) I'm a slave 4 u PerfectLoverr
5. Laundry (medium) Get naked PerfectLoverr
6. Cake