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Britney On Tumblr

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Once again: she did not say this. It was her assistant. Stop treating it like it was her quote because it was not. It's like stealing someone else's shit and claiming it's yours simply because it fits you.


I don't remember saying anywhere it's HER quote? I even wrote down specifically in the description on Tumblr that it was something she posted via Twitter. I've never said it's her own quote. But I do feel that there must be a reason that she posted it publicly, she probably feels connected to this, so I don't see a reason not posting it.

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I don't remember saying anywhere it's HER quote? I even wrote down specifically in the description on Tumblr that it was something she posted via Twitter. I've never said it's her own quote. But I do feel that there must be a reason that she posted it publicly, she probably feels connected to this, so I don't see a reason not posting it.


You quoted the goddamn thing and added "- Britney Spears" at the very and and if you really think this doesn't make it look like her quote then you clearly don't know shit about referencing and have some learning to do. People are gonna repost this and I doubt many of them will bother to copy your description so it's like you're spreading lies. 

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You quoted the goddamn thing and added "- Britney Spears" at the very and and if you really think this doesn't make it look like her quote then you clearly don't know shit about referencing and have some learning to do. People are gonna repost this and I doubt many of them will bother to copy your description so it's like you're spreading lies. 


I've added that at the end only because it IS her Twitter. And let's not get technical about referencing or/and quoting, cause then you must've known that you should always reference your sources by the last known source you used. And that was Britney's Twitter, not her assistant's. And if you're reposting things on Tumblr you repost it automatically with a desctription (unless you intentionally wanted it to be different but I doubt someone would want that) so I don't see the big problem...


Anyway, sorry if that offended you in any way and I've already explained why I've copied that quote on Britney's picture.

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Once again: she did not say this. It was her assistant. Stop treating it like it was her quote because it was not. It's like stealing someone else's shit and claiming it's yours simply because it fits you.

Why the vitriol? Britney had to remember all that in order to write it, and I'm sure it has some of her inflection to it anyways. And who the fuck cares who it's attributed to, it only makes her look good anyways :yaknow:

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