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I know that idea is very out of the ordinary in this pop day and age, but I think part of the reason this might be a good approach, or at least get her to have a heavy involvement in her choreography, is because I think that Britney doesn't bring it for some performances because she doesn't like the choreography. If she doesn't like it and isn't proud of it, she doesn't want to perform it as much.

Brian even said for FFT that she would say "I'm not doing that!" and if you look at the original choreography and the final, the difference is minimal, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case for multiple songs. I think she's forced to do some choreography and some songs just because that's what she's told to do and she really doesn't want to do it that way or to those songs, loses interest, and naturally the performance quality declines.

So, by having her choreograph herself (which I believe she has enough dance experience to at least come up with something half-decent) or have her co-choreograph with someone else, she might be more into it and want to show it off and be proud of it and overall the performance will be better. It's like what she did with The Intimate Collection, obviously she loved promoting that because it was something her heart was in. So if it was that way with the choreography, we might have totally different performances and attitude. Like, it doesn't have to be that way for EVERY song on POM, but maybe for a few even I think it would change the show for the better.

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I've been saying this all the time. :bigtime:

Those choreographers really suck, I mean, they worked with Kesha, didn't they? :uhwtf:

Maybe it's not that Britney doesn't like, it's just that the moves are horrendous. They're just moves, that don't look natural. They try too much to make them look complicated and spectacular, but one just can't dance to those moves. Even the backup dancers don't look good making them. I'd rather have an armography, that Britney does with passion and joy, than having those complicated moves, that don't suit her style, her body, they don't even suit the songs. And that make Britney look awkward. You can see in the videos, even when she nails them, they still don't look great. And it's more obvious in some numbers like Slave, the Toxic breakdown, Crazy, some parts, or most of the parts in Work Bitch, Boys.

I know that we won't have Primeney kind of dance moves again, but I think we could have something like Circus, where she can at least feel more comfortable being just herself. It's useless trying to have spectacular choreos, when she's not Primeney anymore. It's better to have something simpler, but real, and Britney-ish, and not something awkward, stiff, weak, weird. She made the choreo for Mannequin, didn't her? I think that kind of style is fine.

Also, something more important, that I think it's up to Britney, is that she needs to have a fiercer look in the eyes while she's performing, she needs to act the songs a little bit more. She does it in Freakshow because the choreo is simpler, almost null, but I think in the rest of the numbers she needs to show that she's really feeling the song, and not just counting the steps.

And finally, well, it's obvious as well, that if she made the choreos herself, that would make her feel more involved, and prouder of the final result. Just like if she made her own music, but that's another story.

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