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Taylor Swift is slaying and is coming for blood and im scarred... :umomg:


Shes breaking records and sold more albums than Beyonce within 8 years  :nowaygif:


like idk what the fuck just happened  :xf11:

but say hello to the new princess of pop then?  :xf11:

the gurl has 6#1 singles... i mean holy.

the awards and accolades..  :idc1:

she pops those no ass at all pills tho  :britney-arrow:

Britneys pussy and ass tastes better than Taylors

Britneys actually worth 500 million...



i mean come on.. no ones on her league....


so Rihanna and Taylor are the #1 bitches atm, followed by Katy and Gaga, 


Beyonce is a overrated piece of bullshit (icon eww)  :xf11:

but what are your thoughts?  :o


is she here to stay like alannis morsite and some other no1currs who sold alot of albums?  :xf11:




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i will never understand the infatuation with t-swift. maybe bc she went to my school before she moved to nashville and all she did was bash girls from here who weren't even mean to her, she just was insanely jealous of them. she also faked this southern accent for awhile and it was very annoying bc she is from pennsylvania (no, she didn't grow up on a farm like she says). i have alot of dirt on her - connections with her family so maybe that's why i have a lot of animosity towards her.


she is smart when it comes to her sales though, it's kind of crazy. smart move to pull her albums from spotify too.


i just have no desire to listen to her music lmao. i do applaud her maturity as of late and being more of a feminist...remember when she would bash girls in her songs?

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I guess each of her ex-boyfriends buys a copy of her new album, and that's why she has sold so many records already

You know, with every year she gets more and more of them, so that's why with every new album her first week sales are higher and higher

THIS IS THE TRUTH TBH :ooyeah:   , and well , a lot of kids nowadays have bad taste in music so, they buy Taylor's :tea::xf2:

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THIS IS THE TRUTH TBH :ooyeah: , and well , a lot of kids nowadays have bad taste in music so, they buy Taylor's :tea::xf2:

It's unfortunate. Her music is awful, and I never liked how she would get placed in pop and country categories at awards show I thought that was a bit unfair and put the other nominees at an even bigger disadvantage. Taylor stans obviously didn't live through the ICONIC britney years of 1998-2004

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i will never understand the infatuation with t-swift. maybe bc she went to my school before she moved to nashville and all she did was bash girls from here who weren't even mean to her, she just was insanely jealous of them. she also faked this southern accent for awhile and it was very annoying bc she is from pennsylvania (no, she didn't grow up on a farm like she says). i have alot of dirt on her - connections with her family so maybe that's why i have a lot of animosity towards her.

she is smart when it comes to her sales though, it's kind of crazy. smart move to pull her albums from spotify too.

i just have no desire to listen to her music lmao. i do applaud her maturity as of late and being more of a feminist...remember when she would bash girls in her songs?

Omg spill that tea honey

I can't at some liars who said britney lost her virginity at 14 and started drinking at 13 and gave birth to Jamie Lynne her sister :orly: her haters are pathetic... Britbey was a Virgin till she fucked Justin with a strap on... They said britney dropped out of junior high when she actually graduated from high school with honours :icantt:

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Who is Alannis Morsite? I don't think she's here to stay, soon people are going to be sick of her break-up songs even more than they do and then they're going to ditch her :tbh:


Alanis Morisette sung .... :yakno: you know :yakno: kinda the greatest song on the Circus Tour :yakno: .... You Oughta Know :yakno: Like honestly, every single from Jagged Little Pill slayed, and she did a fantastic job slaying with Uninvited from City of Angels, which wasn't even a single until radios forced it to be a single so they could play it more. Of course, being an angry Canadian, these two opposing forces -- being angry and being Canadian -- cancelled each other out so she started a family and sits at home happy with all her money and Grammys, occassionally releasing new music.

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