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I truly do not want to be a negative Nancy, but I was browsing tumblr and came across this disrespectful shirt:


It is really sickening that a. Someone would make a shirt like this and b. Someone would wear it. I find it to be so rude towards not only Britney (who had to go through a breakdown in front of the entire world), but offensive towards anyone who has suffered mentally for any reasons.

Mental illness is still very much a taboo topic and often made into a joke. I understand Britney and her family and team wanted to keep her private matter private. Of course. But I do think she could have spoken about her struggles as a woman who went through so much (breakdown, severe lack of privacy, post-partum depression, public divorce, life as a new mother,etc.) so then respect for those who go through such events would be demanded and crap like this wouldn't be floating around.

Britney is so strong and her name and image should never be degraded like this.

I just had to say something about this because it pissed me off. :icanttt:

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You know? Everything is tainted with double standards nowadays, because I remember seeing a t-shirt that said "Defiant" with a picture of Britney shaving her head and I wanted it SO DAMN BAD! I never saw it as something shameful, I saw it as something really brave! To me, her breakdown was not a sign of weakness but a sign of total control, even though, of course, she wasn't... at all.


But now, seeing something like that t-shirt upsets me. And I feel so awkward cuz the only thing that changes between those two t-shirts are the words, other than that is the same situation being overexposed, and the feeling they bring to me are completely different.



Don't know, I think I went a little off topic, but just wanted to speak my mind. :idc:

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You know? Everything is tainted with double standards nowadays, because I remember seeing a t-shirt that said "Defiant" with a picture of Britney shaving her head and I wanted it SO DAMN BAD! I never saw it as something shameful, I saw it as something really brave! To me, her breakdown was not a sign of weakness but a sign of total control, even though, of course, she wasn't... at all.

But now, seeing something like that t-shirt upsets me. And I feel so awkward cuz the only thing that changes between those two t-shirts are the words, other than that is the same situation being overexposed, and the feeling they bring to me are completely different.

Don't know, I think I went a little off topic, but just wanted to speak my mind. :idc:

I totally get what you are saying. It's like you want to say Britney came out strong and be proud of that, but then we know she was really weak and struggling at the time so we feel uneasy about the situation being exploited.
Guest GlamBoy

Bleh. What can you do about it? I mean ppl are retarded and think making shirts with Britney's face and some stupid senseless phrase is cool but it's not. Like that one that says "punk is dead" and it shows Britney shaving her head. It's just so stupid  :zoomzoom:


I really don't understand things like this tbh  :crying1: , I mean, the fact that Britney is a public figure doesn't mean that people can use problems from her past to do stupid things like that shirt, I mean, Britney is just a person, just like everybody else, people need to get it :crying2:


I agree with you 100%. 


I even saw a boy wearing T-shirt with bald Britney this summer in London, it was terrible. I don't really get it, because Miley Cyrus also has a very similar tank top to the picture which you've posted above and she took a photo with it on her instagram if I'm not wrong. Is it new fashion or something? Some people are literally disgusting and I don't get how can they wear clothes with graphics of someone who was struggling with big personal problems in life... I'm not surprised most people remember Britney from shaving her head and an umbrella accident if some idiots continue to perpetuate, like it's worth remembering those sad moments in her career. 

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It's disgusting, it's like the redbubble website with shirts of her shaving her head.. Tbh she could sue them because they make money using her image. I remember Rihanna sued Topshop for the same reasons, they were using her face on some shirts.


You know, the thing is if Britney at that time had shaved her head just for fun (and not because she had mental issues and struggling with everything) it wouldn't be an issue now. We could see her shaved head in pictures and T-shirts and not feel bad at all. It's just a picture, a shaved head , people shave their heads its absolutely normal, but what makes the difference is the story behind it. The reason why she did it, which makes it really awkward and sad.


it doesn't matter if britney spoke about it or not, there are still ignorant people in the world that would make these type of shirts/products and think they're clever and funny. britney shouldn't have to speak about her personal life to the public that destroyed her sense of privacy for people to act like decent human beings. and i agree with whoever said she should sue these people for making money off her likeness

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it doesn't matter if britney spoke about it or not, there are still ignorant people in the world that would make these type of shirts/products and think they're clever and funny. britney shouldn't have to speak about her personal life to the public that destroyed her sense of privacy for people to act like decent human beings. and i agree with whoever said she should sue these people for making money off her likeness

No one should have to share their personal life to be treated with respect, obviously. But I do think that speaking out can make circumstances better for other people. It's an opportunity Britney or anyone else could take to advocate for the better treatment of those going through anything similar to what Britney did. Of course people with always be rude and despicable, however that doesn't make the situation any more tolerable or mean I/we should complain about it any less.

And yes, she should sue.

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I really agree that mental illness or mental breakdowns are still taboo and I hate that. This type of ''fashion'' is really disrespectful and adds to the stigma. That's why a lot of people who have mental issues won't talk or get help, because of people making fun of it like it's really cool. I've heard people say ''He's so bipolar'' when people change their minds a few times or when someone acts foolish or weirdly they say ''You're such a schizo''. It's so irritating.

I agree that she should sue those people. If Britney didn't want to talk about her past problems it's her decision so people should respect that.
Those people really lack of empathy and social consciousness.
I understand when people say that they think it's an image of bravery at some point because we have different perceptions of an image and situations but people focus the negativity behind that image.
We really don't know what she was thinking when this happened, so to pretend it's cool and edgy to wear that it's really disrespectful. She never agreed on that type of commercialization.
What angers me too is that if she did it for a good cause, like cancer, I think people won't be wearing that shirt so I think that they still do it for the wrong reasons. It would be never cool to me. :boring: 

Also Miley can do whatever she wants I don't care but to wear that shirt when she says she's a fan and she is under the same label lacks of tact and maturity but you know it's Miley, I think she would do anything for controversy.

That's what I think :notimeforu:


I agree with you 100%. 


I even saw a boy wearing T-shirt with bald Britney this summer in London, it was terrible. I don't really get it, because Miley Cyrus also has a very similar tank top to the picture which you've posted above and she took a photo with it on her instagram if I'm not wrong. Is it new fashion or something? Some people are literally disgusting and I don't get how can they wear clothes with graphics of someone who was struggling with big personal problems in life... I'm not surprised most people remember Britney from shaving her head and an umbrella accident if some idiots continue to perpetuate, like it's worth remembering those sad moments in her career. 

Totally agree!!


Bleh. What can you do about it? I mean ppl are retarded and think making shirts with Britney's face and some stupid senseless phrase is cool but it's not. Like that one that says "punk is dead" and it shows Britney shaving her head. It's just so stupid  :zoomzoom:


I remember those shirts - They Made no sense..  :4music:


it doesn't matter if britney spoke about it or not, there are still ignorant people in the world that would make these type of shirts/products and think they're clever and funny. britney shouldn't have to speak about her personal life to the public that destroyed her sense of privacy for people to act like decent human beings. and i agree with whoever said she should sue these people for making money off her likeness

YUP :umum:

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