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I was thinking of some new years resolutions that the army could try to follow in 2015 and though not all will work, cause does anyone keep their new years resolutions 100%?, i suggest we make a list of things that the army could do next year, Britney not involved, as in nothing about what she needs to do, im sure we have covered that already, just what we as fans can do to insure a successful year. I'll start and anyone who wants can make their own list.

1) avoid meltdowns

2) not pay attention to gossip sites or alleged "insiders"

3) let the failure of BJ go and look to the future

4) Remain strong and positive, be leading example to other fanbases

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1. Stay strong and remain patient even when theres a dry spell in news and shows :mhm:

2. Stay hopeful and excited for new Britney music (its coming guys!!) :yay1:

3. Ignore the haters and continue to throw occasional shade :eatandlaugh:

4. Attend a show in Vegas :lolokay:

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