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Yes lol that's what antidepressants are :) and they have tons of side effects, maybe recently if she still had some sort of depressive circle she's relying less on medication and more on therapy :)

yes. she actually mentioned therapy on the enterainment tonight interview. the asked her if she is still in therapy or something like that and she said no no im all done with that now


yes. she actually mentioned therapy on the enterainment tonight interview. the asked her if she is still in therapy or something like that and she said no no im all done with that now

:o Yes I remember lol some of these things aren't fresh in my mind because I haven't watched them in a while


i respect ur opinion but i must kindly disagree. i would accept ur point but i cannot because what u give me is an educational guess. do u have real life proof? any expierence with bpd? but i am excited that u r willing to research and go more into depth, i think thats rare. most people aren't so kind and open-minded and are quick to judge. i just wanna say, manipulation isn't the main thing with bpd. it is one of the categories but it is not the only thing about it. wherever u got ur information sounds like something written from someone else's point of view. like a friend or a family member who's knows someone who had bpd. it's a kind thing to try and explain this illnes but it sounds like someone's opinion and opinions can be extremely wrong and misunderstood sometimes . borderline personality disorder is extremely hard to describe and to misinterpret. it is one of those things that has such a huge stigma and reputation, it's very complicating for someone who doesn't struggle with this to understand. so i wouldnt believe that certain description too much. i would reveal my sources of where i get my information but i'd like to keep that private, it's very personal and is too upsetting of a topic. but rest assured, there is a lot more to bpd than what u understand. i just wanna say that. but ur open-mindness is so lovely :hug: i thank u for that :kiss2:

Hm that's interesting. No, I just go to a top research university in the sciences and we have an internationally recognized neuroscience facility, so I don't think it's too off because they take their neuro very seriously here because it's their pride and joy. I don't major in neuro :) But I do plan on going into medicine when I'm done my degree so I take neuro just because it's helpful. That being said, the info is easily accessible to me so after reading I suppose manipulation doesn't have to be a symptom, but it's the most common, and is probably a bad word to describe it because the person who has it doesn't realize it or intend for that. But, that being said there's 5 outta 9 symptoms and given that I still don't think she has it, but can't tell you exactly because I don't know her so there might be more.

I personally think, from experiencing it myself and collecting research on it, that she just has/had depression. Given her circumstances, the way she acted wasn't that far off for a person who's depressed. A lot of the people have stated that they've done erratic behavior as well such as scratching themselves until they bleed and stuff like that when they get to a stage where they simply didn't know what to even do with themselves anymore, in particular occurred after suicide attempts. But, what else emphasizes that for me is the head shaving, because I know a lady who actually ran over a little girl who was playing chicken and killed her, and she was extremely depressed and even after a year her husband said that he came home one day and she was just sitting on the floor in all her hair because she shaved it off, bawling her eyes out and was saying how this was shedding her pain and her past, trying to get over how she killed a girl. That's what really struck me, because maybe not even the cause is the same, but that gave me a good comparison of how low in that moment she felt.


Yes lol that's what antidepressants are :) and they have tons of side effects, maybe recently if she still had some sort of depressive circle she's relying less on medication and more on therapy :)

Okay just thought I would clarify because there's been people on here who when I say "I think she's on antidepressants" and they're like "yeah they make you sluggish and lifeless" and I'm like yeah no that doesn't even make sense... lol.

Exercise is a good treatment for depression, so that's probably helping her hugely and making her rely less on medication. Especially after seeing in Women's Health how much she works out, she probably doesn't need a whole lot of it but it all depends. :)


Hm that's interesting. No, I just go to a top research university in the sciences and we have an internationally recognized neuroscience facility, so I don't think it's too off because they take their neuro very seriously here because it's their pride and joy. I don't major in neuro :) But I do plan on going into medicine when I'm done my degree so I take neuro just because it's helpful. That being said, the info is easily accessible to me so after reading I suppose manipulation doesn't have to be a symptom, but it's the most common, and is probably a bad word to describe it because the person who has it doesn't realize it or intend for that. But, that being said there's 5 outta 9 symptoms and given that I still don't think she has it, but can't tell you exactly because I don't know her so there might be more.

I personally think, from experiencing it myself and collecting research on it, that she just has/had depression. Given her circumstances, the way she acted wasn't that far off for a person who's depressed. A lot of the people have stated that they've done erratic behavior as well such as scratching themselves until they bleed and stuff like that when they get to a stage where they simply didn't know what to even do with themselves anymore, in particular occurred after suicide attempts. But, what else emphasizes that for me is the head shaving, because I know a lady who actually ran over a little girl who was playing chicken and killed her, and she was extremely depressed and even after a year her husband said that he came home one day and she was just sitting on the floor in all her hair because she shaved it off, bawling her eyes out and was saying how this was shedding her pain and her past, trying to get over how she killed a girl. That's what really struck me, because maybe not even the cause is the same, but that gave me a good comparison of how low in that moment she felt.

ok i kind of see ur point now but i must admit i still stay strong with my belief :aintevenmad: ;)thank u for sharing this with us tho. thats so awesome that u wanna go for that. i wish u luck with ur school. i do not see a connection with that story about a lady shaving her head with britney's tho because the point of view where im coming from its super different but i will keep the things you said in mind. i mean maybe the stress level of both incidents might of been the factor behind head shaving, but what caused stress, i see two completely different scenarios. oh wells.


ok i kind of see ur point now but i must admit i still stay strong with my belief :aintevenmad: ;)thank u for sharing this with us tho. thats so awesome that u wanna go for that. i wish u luck with ur school. i do not see a connection with that story about a lady shaving her head with britney's tho because the point of view where im coming from its super different but i will keep the things you said in mind. i mean maybe the stress level of both incidents might of been the factor behind head shaving, but what caused stress, i see two completely different scenarios. oh wells.

That's fine because let's be honest we'll never really know :aintevenmad: it's all just speculation. But thanks ;) and yeah the point was that she was so depressed, and low with her life she shaved off her hair, and I think that Britney was feeling the equivalence of being that sad and depressed of accidentally killing someone that she shaved off her hair. Like they are the different situations but the same feelings I guess.


oh boy i feel so irritated by this lol but i appreciate ur honesty and ur own opinion but i u r completely wrong. thats for sure. she was NOT on medication and i probably shouldnt go further cuz i will just lose ur interest but wow, i am surprised at how different of points of view people have. hmm is this because u kno someone like that in real life? but again, i appreciate ur point of view. it is refreshing in a way i must admit

Well sure you don't have to agree with me but I know liquid courage is a real thing. I'm not saying she was high or drunk all the time but she was probably abusing, why else would they make her go to rehab??? When you are an active user of drugs your personality does change. And like I said she probably has a mental issue. She was probably self medicating to deal with that because she didn't know what was wrong with her. Once she did rehab, then got committed and diagnosed, she stopped using illegal drugs and started her meds for her mental issue (which btw I'm no doctor but I think she has anxiety and depression at the same time) so now she's back to being her shy normal self that she was when she first started. Idk why you're irritated by my opinion but not others. But do you boo, do you.

girl i kno what u mean. however, i believe she takes nooo medications whatsoever. she is britney spears, and she knows her power. she will make people leave her alone. she doenst seem like the type of person who'd want to take it. what she is doing wrong though i think is trusting her flop team. they are her enemies, they bring her down and they dont accept her. she always tries to act better. those are the types of people that laugh behind her back and she is a total joke to them. she needs to cut those people out of her life, she deserves soooo much better. she is doing better tho because i think she is exercising and also she found a way to deal with her shyness. sometimes she comes on stage looking completely different, i think thats when she's having a bad day and is dealing with things hard so u can tell but she wears different stuff and when she's comfortable, she is able to be herself. it seemed to work cuz she seems more and more herself now

Um I don't think it's like that at all , Larry wouldn't lagged begin Britney , if anything he had her back since 97 , Larry put his life on the line for Britney because he believed in her , he quit his job and everything he had so he can get brit a record deal and become her manager . I honestly feel they don't make a joke out of her . Did U see her teams office?, it's full of Britney if anything they Stan for her and have her back and very over protective of her , but she definitely still takes meds
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and sadly they still don't :( I say I like Britney Spears

and the person responds with "that b**** that shaved her head and went nuts"

then I say that was 8 years ago :zoomzoom: either slap the person show them how much she has acomplished since then and make them stans

It's just sad how the GP treats people with certain illnesses as if they were crazy but honestly their completely normal people who just have some more challenging areas, In a way I can relate so much to Britney because of something similar I went through and I know how it feels to be judged like that, and I wish the best for her and if she does have something for her to overcome the obstacle which she did now it's just a tiny bump she needs to overcome :)

yeah totally. meee too! i also went through a similar experience. i shaved my head too. and im a girl (if anyone's wondering). i cannot tell u how difficult that was. i mean emotinally, it was the most difficult thing i had ever had gone through in my life. i cant explain it. ive never expeirenced such a terrible feeling before or after. i was also in such a bad place in life, and i did it. i didnt even know britney did it too. i actually did it before her. it was because i liked my hair, and having it long was actually my favorite but i wanted to ruin that, i wanted to ruin myself for some reason cuz i was so disgusted with myself. plus i always had really thin hair and i always wished i could have really full head of hair. it is so similar to britney, i cant even believe it. later i found out her doing the same thing and i was shocked and honestly, i can tell u why she did it cuz it was probably for those same reasons. she always hated her hair and was sick of putting things in it (extensions) but at the same time was freaking out cuz she thought noone would love her without her hair so she wanted to do it anyway and push people away.

but yeah if anyone's got a problem with her, i got a problem with them and i just laugh at them and leave lol cuz if u r gona make fun of someone who was so upset they shaved their head, what does that say about u?


Um I don't think it's like that at all , Larry wouldn't lagged begin Britney , if anything he had her back since 97 , Larry put his life on the line for Britney because he believed in her , he quit his job and everything he had so he can get brit a record deal and become her manager . I honestly feel they don't make a joke out of her . Did U see her teams office?, it's full of Britney if anything they Stan for her and have her back and very over protective of her , but she definitely still takes meds

omgod what proof do u have she is on medication? and about her team, that is UR opinion. i am really good at reading people and when i watched the britney jean documentary, i could tell right away. and the way they recycled her unflattering photograph and she didnt feel like she could speak up. even justin mentioned that crossroads movie was a poor choice her team convinced her to make and supported even though it hurt her acting career (which they knew it would but didnt stop her and weren't there for her). also she said she doesnt want to be a bitch but it's hard for her to do things her way with her team. larry might be a good guy, he seems alright but i dont trust any others. also she puts up with a lot. she just wants to be likes for who she is but she is surrounded by the wrong people thats why she always suffers anxiety. probably cuz she doesnt think she deserves better.


Well sure you don't have to agree with me but I know liquid courage is a real thing. I'm not saying she was high or drunk all the time but she was probably abusing, why else would they make her go to rehab??? When you are an active user of drugs your personality does change. And like I said she probably has a mental issue. She was probably self medicating to deal with that because she didn't know what was wrong with her. Once she did rehab, then got committed and diagnosed, she stopped using illegal drugs and started her meds for her mental issue (which btw I'm no doctor but I think she has anxiety and depression at the same time) so now she's back to being her shy normal self that she was when she first started. Idk why you're irritated by my opinion but not others. But do you boo, do you.

well i was super offended when u said she did dugs. like thats something haters say. especially when she was so successful, if she did drugs,she wouldnt have managed to do her dance routines and it would really show. plus she is a perfectionist. those kind of people rarely ever do drugs. what i really think is in truth, being so good looking and so loved by all the fans and everyone, it really made her come out of her shell. she beat her awkwardness around 2003 thats for sure. itzney was everything. there is no way drugs were responsible for that, fame was. also being on stage, u could tell it gave her the best feeling. the only thing she did sometimes was act like an extrovert. she was not one of those super outgoing people, but she had to be to be in this industry. so sometimes she might of been fake but even those moments were super rare. she was in a really good place in life.


omgod what proof do u have she is on medication? and about her team, that is UR opinion. i am really good at reading people and when i watched the britney jean documentary, i could tell right away. and the way they recycled her unflattering photograph and she didnt feel like she could speak up. even justin mentioned that crossroads movie was a poor choice her team convinced her to make and supported even though it hurt her acting career (which they knew it would but didnt stop her and weren't there for her). also she said she doesnt want to be a bitch but it's hard for her to do things her way with her team. larry might be a good guy, he seems alright but i dont trust any others. also she puts up with a lot. she just wants to be likes for who she is but she is surrounded by the wrong people thats why she always suffers anxiety. probably cuz she doesnt think she deserves better.

Sweetie I know your all up for team brit and defend her, so am I & I know it's hard when someone speaks truth and u just don't want to hear the truth . But be real ! Of course Britney is still taking her medication , she has bi polar disorder of course she's still gonna take them it's no shade at all if ur taking it like that

And I seen I am Britney Jean she never said it's hard for her to do things her way with her team . She said she's not saying it's good to be a bitch , but she has a problem with speaking up .. She did not mention her team.. She didn't like the dress her stylist made for her but she didn't want to be a bitch about it , so Britney told her assistant she didn't like it and her assistant passed the word along. No where did she mention her team

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The only real thing Britney has admitted to was Anxiety and Panic. She has also mentioned that she's a perfectionist but when she discribed it, it also was more the anxiety issue of worrying over little things.

If Britney doesn't have bi polar but "just" extreme anxiety (if so probaby more than one type of anxiety)than she might not be on meds full time. Just when she has the chance to have an attack. Like Public moments. That could explain why she's much better in rehearsals than performance. And why she seems much more herself when she's more relaxed.


Sweetie I know your all up for team brit and defend her, so am I & I know it's hard when someone speaks truth and u just don't want to hear the truth . But be real ! Of course Britney is still taking her medication , she has bi polar disorder of course she's still gonna take them it's no shade at all if ur taking it like that

And I seen I am Britney Jean she never said it's hard for her to do things her way with her team . She said she's not saying it's good to be a bitch , but she has a problem with speaking up .. She did not mention her team.. She didn't like the dress her stylist made for her but she didn't want to be a bitch about it , so Britney told her assistant she didn't like it and her assistant passed the word along. No where did she mention her team

again, i ask u , how do u know she is on medication? i dont think she ever was medicated. so there's that :frenchy::bomt:


She is in a Conservatorship. She had to be on medication at some point and probably still is on at least situational meds.

again, i ask u , how do u know she is on medication? i dont think she ever was medicated. so there's that :frenchy::bomt:


She is in a Conservatorship. She had to be on medication at some point and probably still is on at least situational meds.

THANK U !!! ugh some fans are a little delusional tbh they find it hard to accept truth .. I'm glad ur one of the real Stan's

well i was super offended when u said she did dugs. like thats something haters say. especially when she was so successful, if she did drugs,she wouldnt have managed to do her dance routines and it would really show. plus she is a perfectionist. those kind of people rarely ever do drugs. what i really think is in truth, being so good looking and so loved by all the fans and everyone, it really made her come out of her shell. she beat her awkwardness around 2003 thats for sure. itzney was everything. there is no way drugs were responsible for that, fame was. also being on stage, u could tell it gave her the best feeling. the only thing she did sometimes was act like an extrovert. she was not one of those super outgoing people, but she had to be to be in this industry. so sometimes she might of been fake but even those moments were super rare. she was in a really good place in life.

I'm not a hater I'm just real about these kinds of things. You know a lot of famous people do drugs though so what makes you think just because she's a perfectionist she couldn't have possibly done drugs? She was lonely, she was getting all this negative attention. Sure she was at her height performing wise but that does not mean anything about how she felt personally. You're on this thread talking about how you think she has bi-polar disorder then I'm sure you know that a lot of people with mental disorders often use drugs before they know what's wrong because they feel like it helps them feel normal again. But like I said you feel how you want to feel about what I said, it's nothing negative from me. I'm one of the most positive new members here.


yeah that is what i think so too. but what do u think forces her to still stay? would that be the c-ship then? or maybe she kind of makes herself do it even though she doesnt enjoy it. sometimes when a person is down, a lot of times they will do things that actually do not make them happy, its a way of beating themselves up. i wonder if thats what she's doing (if that is really her choice, i am pretty sure 99% tho it isnt)

i think she still does it because of legal obligations, contracts, etc. and yeah, the c-ship


and not to get all weird on you, but it's simple. her team makes her do it because she is a Cash Cow. many, many, many people earn a living off of her. staying alive and doing what she wants/quitting showbiz is not an option for her. she has to stay very marketable when she is alive, because if she reaches a point where is is more marketable while she's dead, then you what will happen. we all know britney will be enormously marketable after death, as much or even more than marilyn monroe. that's why britney has to keep working, reinventing, and marketing herself.


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THANK U !!! ugh some fans are a little delusional tbh they find it hard to accept truth .. I'm glad ur one of the real Stan's

seriously?? did u just call me out as delusional just because i disagreed with u on the fact that she is not medicated? WOW. just wow. quit forcing ur opinion on other people. and quit hating on britney. if u are not a fan then u shouldnt be here. we fans dont talk shit about her. especially if it's got no proof.

btw, that prooves nothing. (also i said she might of been on something during the beginning of her femme fatale tour but that was it. get ur facts straght before u attack me. we are talking about now.


and not to get all weird on you, but it's simple. her team makes her do it because she is a Cash Cow. many, many, many people earn a living off of her. staying alive and doing what she wants/quitting showbiz is not an option for her. she has to stay very marketable when she is alive, because if she reaches a point where is is more marketable while she's dead, then you what will happen. we all know britney will be enormously marketable after death, as much or even more than marilyn monroe. that's why britney has to keep working, reinventing, and marketing herself.


i totally agree. i feel like that doesnt let her enjoy her life tho. i feel so bad for her. i hate her team. they are selfish, money crazy people who deserve nothing that they get


I'm not a hater I'm just real about these kinds of things. You know a lot of famous people do drugs though so what makes you think just because she's a perfectionist she couldn't have possibly done drugs? She was lonely, she was getting all this negative attention. Sure she was at her height performing wise but that does not mean anything about how she felt personally. You're on this thread talking about how you think she has bi-polar disorder then I'm sure you know that a lot of people with mental disorders often use drugs before they know what's wrong because they feel like it helps them feel normal again. But like I said you feel how you want to feel about what I said, it's nothing negative from me. I'm one of the most positive new members here.

well she drank on occassion and smoked a bit marijuana but she was not addicted or anything. plus i know how a person like that can get the way she did without drugs. it's certain personalities acting like that. most bipolar people do not medicate. (thats why its called bipolar, the person goes from two extremes- super happy and super sad. and not just happy but confident etc. and then shy and down. so that perfectly sums it up) especially because i think a lot do not want to admit they have that disorder.

i just felt offended because u put her in a bad light, u underestimate her and say something so mean, i just had to defend her. keep in mind, certain people can just be like that without any drugs or alcohol. trust me. if you do not know that about certain personalities, well then u learned something today :thumbsup:

and i am also a positive member on here so thats awesome that u r. :bigsmile: i just get defensive sometimes lol :fliph::trollney:

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