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We didn't get a 3rd single becausethe GP didn't care about it, and Britney fans sure as hell won't support It Should Be Easy or Body Ache. :orangu:

I get a feeling GP would love sth like ISBE actually. The song itself has 2million+ views on VEVO and everyone seems to like it (minus the Britney Army). :)


The reason is obvious : WB flopped, Perfume flopped hard, BJ flopped too. Why RCA would invest money in something that doesn't bring them money? They stopped exploitation just like they do with Xtina.

Plus, why would they said in IABJ Alien would be the next single while they already had knowlegde of the contract? It's obvious it has been simply stopped because it flopped too much, i'm sure they didn't expect a flop like that.

RCA isn't dumb there is no way they would be ok with a contract that don't let them do videos which is the only type of promo Britney does nowadays.


BJ was D.O.A.


The real reason is apart from WB and Perfume, all of the other songs off the album have Myah's vocals on it and shes not credited as a bg vocalist, and they want to avoid unwanted complaint/ lawsuit from Myah herself if the single is released. There I said it.


The real reason is apart from WB and Perfume, all of the other songs off the album have Myah's vocals on it and shes not credited as a bg vocalist, and they want to avoid unwanted complaint/ lawsuit from Myah herself if the single is released. There I said it.



I think that Britney pushed for Alien and her record label pushed for something else, and a decision was never really made. Then the hype of the album was gone and there wasn't any point to push out a 3rd single. Although I love "Perfume", I don't think it was a good idea to release that as a single. There were so many other songs on the album I would have loved to have released as a single and music video... Alien being one of them.

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