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(New) Meghan Trainor Shades Britney

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I don't really see it as shade but I'm honestly sick to death of these bitches saying Britney doesn't write her music , Britney co produced and wrote everytime , and cowrote some songs from itz , she cowrote and wrote some songs on blackout and circus , she wrote someday before she found out she was pregnant, & cowrote all of Britney Jean .. I'm tired of ppl not even doing their research , they just assume by what they hear and not the actual facts

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One good thing I could say tho is that every new artist or celebs in general are always inspired by Britney ! U never hear them say they are inspired by other artists it's always Britney and that's a real good thing and an honor to hear such things


hate her soo much. she sucks sso bad as a pop star. when i heard her shaming the skinny girls in her song, i was like im out. i want to have curves , its not my fault im skinny. ive been insecure about being skinny all my life (even though hollywood was glamorizing it for the longest time, that still did nothing).

i guess she needs the boost in her career so she gotta mention britney that way she gets her name out there.

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