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Jessica Simpson, she's always been practicing for that role



I would vote Jessica Simpson, but in all honesty.. I don't think anyone can play her. I think the movie will fail because people want to see the real britney. I honestly don't think there should be a movie about her. I can't imagine anyone pulling of Britney's genuine smile, laugh and her innocence.

But I do love Jessica, if I vote for anyone, it would be her WITH A LOT OF PRACTICE! <3 Jessicaney :thatsfunny:


Jamie Lynn Spears :pieceofwhat:

But seriously, i don't know. She said she didn't want someone to play her role lol. But if we have to choose, i don't especially want someone who looks like her, just a blonde girl (obviously) but who can dance and sing. I also would prefer if it wouldn't be someone really famous.

Guest QueenJocasta

I used to love Heigl when she started out, but her acting ability is quite limited and she's already way too old to play Britney in a biopic. Plus, her career has gone to shit. I've got no doubt that some day way down the line there will be a movie (or movies) about the legendary Godney Joan's mysterious life. I'd hope they get a young unknown actress... I'd guess the majority of the film would take place when Britney's between 18 - 28, so the actress would likely be in that range.


Tbh, I wouldn't like to see a movie about her life.

I think the movie would focus a lot in 2007 and all the drama Britney was going through, which is understandable, it's a topic that both the Army and the GP cared about back in the day, and I don't want people to make money by shooting things she went through such as shaving her head, losing the custody of her kids, crying on the streets, etc. It would be too sad :crying2:

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I know this nothing to do with this topic but I'm happy that we as members of this forum and the site in General are more positive unlike the exhale members how are a Disgrace to us as a fandom I just love being a member of this forum you Guys and Brit of course are the reason why I love being here


No way to natalie portman. NEVER! I don't want to see someone who exaggerates her facial expressions to death especially when she's playing a dramatic scene. Sorry guys but I honestly don't think there should be a Britney spears movie. I can't imagine anyone would watch it. . and britney fans and stans will make it fail.


Heigl would be nice but she's a Hollywood persona non grata for sure. Natalie Portman all the way

Natalie would slay this. She's such a talented actress and Britney also likes her a lot! I think it would be very important that the person who would try to portrait Britney would actually care about Britney so knowing her would be a great plus.

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