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They will always judge her,because she's Britney...  a lot of people unfortunately still live in 2007 and think she's the worst mum ever, a crack whore,etc. :4music: They would never stop, but she shouldn't care about them. It's quite obvious that she is 100 % dedicated to raising her children and doing what's best for them, so... :)

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They will always judge her,because she's Britney...  a lot of people unfortunately still live in 2007 and think she's the worst mum ever, a crack whore,etc. :4music: They would never stop, but she shouldn't care about them. It's quite obvious that she is 100 % dedicated to raising her children and doing what's best for them, so... :)

i know, it just piss me off that people can't forgive her  :crying1: it does. and as you said, many of them live in 2007, sad.  :smokeney:


her kids have a brain too i'm sure they are nine and eight they can remember to put on their own helmets it is their own head.she more than likely nagged them loads to put it on. my two sisters were always getting into accidents and having to be brought to casualty for stitches broken bones you name it. well they told me how our dad used to give out to them when ever they got hurt cos they were careless and always getting into accidents .it nearly always happened on the only couple of hours he had off in the whole week when he was about to relax or do something nice, how times have changed.it is good to give kids responsibility for their own safety, i think kids nowadays are kind of sissies. gwenth paltrow nearly killed her kids by pulling out in-front of a bus.


her kids have a brain too i'm sure they are nine and eight they can remember to put on their own helmets it is their own head.she more than likely nagged them loads to put it on. my two sisters were always getting into accidents and having to be brought to casualty for stitches broken bones you name it. well they told me how our dad used to give out to them when ever they got hurt cos they were careless and always getting into accidents .it nearly always happened on the only couple of hours he had off in the whole week when he was about to relax or do something nice, how times have changed.it is good to give kids responsibility for their own safety, i think kids nowadays are kind of sissies. gwenth paltrow nearly killed her kids by pulling out in-front of a bus.

things happen, and kid fell. but you're right, kids need to know these things, like putting their helmet on. 


i don't handle very well when people judge britney's parenting or calling her a bad mom.  :4music:

Britney just posted a video of her boys playing and people  judged her why she didn't make sure that they don't wear a helmet.



ICANT  :xf11:  :xf11:  :xf11:  :xf11:


Some people need to get a god damn life and stop being so picky. Who even notices that. Not making her kids wear helmets doesn't make her a bad mom. People are so retarded. 

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ICANT  :xf11:  :xf11:  :xf11:  :xf11:


Some people need to get a god damn life and stop being so picky. Who even notices that. Not making her kids wear helmets doesn't make her a bad mom. People are so retarded. 

i agree. i mean, kid fell and got bruise. kids aren't from sugar and i really don't understeand people why they see such a big deal if they didn't wear helemts.


Saw those comments too, while they are annoying, best to just ignore them cuz there is ALWAYS gonna be THOSE people who have to knit pick everything, i see it on Facebook all the time between average, every day people, over protective parents are always gonna criticize. It's not like the boys were doing 360's on some high ass ramp, plus, majority of the time there in helmets. I'm amazed no one remarked about the hat Preston's holding, it looks like there's pot leaves on it, guess there more focused on the lack of helmet, lol

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Saw those comments too, while they are annoying, best to just ignore them cuz there is ALWAYS gonna be THOSE people who have to knit pick everything, i see it on Facebook all the time between average, every day people, over protective parents are always gonna criticize. It's not like the boys were doing 360's on some high ass ramp, plus, majority of the time there in helmets. I'm amazed no one remarked about the hat Preston's holding, it looks like there's pot leaves on it, guess there more focused on the lack of helmet, lol

agree, i in my opinion i don't see any  harm so... but as you said pointless to lose energy on those parents. 


People are always - no matter the person - quick to think that they can give other moms parenting 101 when it's not their business. Just because it's on social media does not give people the right to insult and point fingers at someone else's parenting - as if they are so perfect themselves. I see it a lot not just with celebrities too - for some reason people always see stuff like this and get some weird satisfaction out of criticizing another mom. It's hard to explain, but I don't like how people just go right ahead with their two cents maybe to justify or coverup their failings and mistakes as a parent.

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People are always - no matter the person - quick to think that they can give other moms parenting 101 when it's not their business. Just because it's on social media does not give people the right to insult and point fingers at someone else's parenting - as if they are so perfect themselves. I see it a lot not just with celebrities too - for some reason people always see stuff like this and get some weird satisfaction out of criticizing another mom. It's hard to explain, . but I don't like how people just go right ahead with their two cents maybe to justify or coverup their failings and mistakes as a parent.

agree. i hate those ''i know everything'' parents. most of young parents act like they ate whole knowledge about parenting. 

i can't stand that. remeber when britney posted a video of lexie singing tomorrow? well, one woman was rambing that this

is ''bad parenting'' if you laugh at your kid. and how laughing at your kid can have an infulence on their self confidence.

i mean, kids when they're little often say funny things or even do funny things thatwe as adults find it funny, so i don't see

any harm if you laugh if your kid so something funny like a silly face.  agree often parents who aren't perfect (nobody is) judge

other parents to cover up their own mistakes.  

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