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Does Anyone Think That Taylor Swift Is Very Overrated?

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i like her and think she is a good singer but i don't get all the hype about her. im not a kind of person to say that something is overrated just because i don't like it,  i tend to think objectively when it comes to music. even though i don't like "anaconda" or "Roar" or "Bang Bang" i get their appeal and why they got hundreds of millions of views in such a short period of time but i don't get how a simple song like "blank space" can get freaking 800million+ views in just couple of months.




ps- im new to this site and i hope this is the right section to make this thread.

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I think the same. She's very overrated.

I do like her latest songs, but that's just because they're produced by Max Martin (the creator of Britney's biggest hits, and Backstreet Boy's and many others, including Katy Perry, and the list continue).

What irks me the most, is that people like her, or Katy, or Ariana or you know, those overrated artists from this generation, they will never go through all the things Britney went through. They won't receive the attack of the media, the papparazzis, so their train will continue and will never stop. It's not that I wish them something bad, or that I want them to have a meltdown like Britney's. What I say is that, Britney was once on top, and she might have been overrated too, the difference with her, is that everybody started to want her to fall. They wanted to see her imperfect, and crying, and breaking with her boyfriend/husband, doing mistakes to mock her. They couldn't resist that she was happy, or talented, or beautiful or successful. But I don't see that with any of the current artists. Now the media, and GP, they love all of them, and if they don't, they just don't care. But with Britney, they were so mean.

I wish someday people realize that if we have all these female artists today, was because of Britney Spears. She might not be the greatest voice of the industry, but she definitely had something especial. And without her, the music industry would be very different today.

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Guest Lᴜᴠ3�ɪ♥Hᴀᴛᴇ�ɪ

Blank space got so many views because it's simple, it's urban but not rap, it's easy on the ears, and the lyrics are catchy. I think everyone with a bunch of hits becomes overrated. :ipass2:

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Guest Lᴜᴠ3�ɪ♥Hᴀᴛᴇ�ɪ

I think the same. She's very overrated.

I do like her latest songs, but that's just because they're produced by Max Martin (the creator of Britney's biggest hits, and Backstreet Boy's and many others, including Katy Perry, and the list continue).

What irks me the most, is that people like her, or Katy, or Ariana or you know, those overrated artists from this generation, they will never go through all the things Britney went through. They won't receive the attack of the media, the papparazzis, so their train will continue and will never stop. It's not that I wish them something bad, or that I want them to have a meltdown like Britney's. What I say is that, Britney was once on top, and she might have been overrated too, the difference with her, is that everybody started to want her to fall. They wanted to see her imperfect, and crying, and breaking with her boyfriend/husband, doing mistakes to mock her. They couldn't resist that she was happy, or talented, or beautiful or successful. But I don't see that with any of the current artists. Now the media, and GP, they love all of them, and if they don't, they just don't care. But with Britney, they were so mean.

I wish someday people realize that if we have all these female artists today, was because of Britney Spears. She might not be the greatest voice of the industry, but she definitely had something especial. And without her, the music industry would be very different today.

Artists like Ariana, Katy, and Taylor don't have a reason to be attacked. Now I'm not saying Britney should have been, but I'm saying that they don't do anything controversial. For example, Britney knew she was going to get negative feedback for the kiss with madonna. 

Tbh people love them because they sing live, and I'm not joking either :gloria: they also love them for their music. The last time the GP loved Britney's music was S&S. They are mean to everyone who's on top and does something controversial.  It doesn't help that after circus Britney's performances weren't great and the people that did respect her for her dancing and performing stopped. 

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Artists like Ariana, Katy, and Taylor don't have a reason to be attacked. Now I'm not saying Britney should have been, but I'm saying that they don't do anything controversial. For example, Britney knew she was going to get negative feedback for the kiss with madonna. 

Tbh people love them because they sing live, and I'm not joking either :gloria: they also love them for their music. The last time the GP loved Britney's music was S&S. They are mean to everyone who's on top and does something controversial.  It doesn't help that after circus Britney's performances weren't great and the people that did respect her for her dancing and performing stopped. 

Well, the controversial things that they do onstage, like the kiss and stuff, they'll give people something to talk about. But we'll never see nothing from their private lives, because they'll never have 50 paparazzis following them 24/7 like Britney did back in 2007. And we all know it wasn't because Britney wanted it that way, like seeking for that attention. The whole world was obsessed with Britney, but in a negative way, they wanted to capture her in the worst angles, doing the worst things, and Britney wasn't giving them any reason to do so.

Nowadays, current artists post controversial things on their social networks, when they want it, with the specific purpose of causing controversy. The only thing I can recall from the past years is that Beyoncé incident in the elevator, which wasn't directly related to her, and maybe the things Justin Bieber used to do, but again, he was doing it on purpose. We'll never have videos of them going to the gas station, or to a public bathroom or buying at McDonald's, crying outside their house, because now, media and GP respect their private lives, unlike with Britney in those dark times.

I agree she's not Primeney at performing, but people is still so harsh with her, like they measure her with a different scale than other artists. It's not like, oh I don't like her, and that's it, they're really mean, as if Britney was a bad person.

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Guest Lᴜᴠ3�ɪ♥Hᴀᴛᴇ�ɪ

Well, the controversial things that they do onstage, like the kiss and stuff, they'll give people something to talk about. But we'll never see nothing from their private lives, because they'll never have 50 paparazzis following them 24/7 like Britney did back in 2007. And we all know it wasn't because Britney wanted it that way, like seeking for that attention. The whole world was obsessed with Britney, but in a negative way, they wanted to capture her in the worst angles, doing the worst things, and Britney wasn't giving them any reason to do so.

Nowadays, current artists post controversial things on their social networks, when they want it, with the specific purpose of causing controversy. The only thing I can recall from the past years is that Beyoncé incident in the elevator, which wasn't directly related to her, and maybe the things Justin Bieber used to do, but again, he was doing it on purpose. We'll never have videos of them going to the gas station, or to a public bathroom or buying at McDonald's, crying outside their house, because now, media and GP respect their private lives, unlike with Britney in those dark times.

I agree she's not Primeney at performing, but people is still so harsh with her, like they measure her with a different scale than other artists. It's not like, oh I don't like her, and that's it, they're really mean, as if Britney was a bad person.

They'll never have that many papz because they never did anything controversial and they never did anything oversexualized, and most importantly they never shaved their head and hit a paparazzi's car. Those gas station moments, her crying outside, wouldn't have happened if she didn't shave her head.

Justin Bieber is a perfect example he did controversial things he became oversexualized, he starting using drugs and alcohol and broke his good boy image. Now ofc he is worse because he's committed crimes and Britney didn't. But people even started signing a petition to send him back to Canada. Lindsay Lohan is another one, she broke her good girl image and started using drugs, went clubbing, etc...

But yes people are really mean to Britney for no reason, she is not like JB or Lohan she's never commuted a crime, she's never driven drunk and risked the live of others. So they have no reason to.

Yes, people are overly mean to her but she doesn't have anything that would make people love her as an artist nowadays, you kinda have to be a pre-existing fan. 

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She's by far the most overrated mainstream artist out there. I find her very manipulative and controlling. I think it's so bizarre that she has been in relationships as PR stunts and then actually writes SONGS about these guys when they are usually gay (Jake Gyllenhaal, Harry Styles, Taylor Lautner, etc)

She is so calculating about her image and what bothers me is that she tries to play off that she is this carefree soul but she really plans out every single move and plans relationships, friendships, stories to keep the public interest. She is so overexposed I can't stand it.

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She's by far the most overrated mainstream artist out there. I find her very manipulative and controlling. I think it's so bizarre that she has been in relationships as PR stunts and then actually writes SONGS about these guys when they are usually gay (Jake Gyllenhaal, Harry Styles, Taylor Lautner, etc)

She is so calculating about her image and what bothers me is that she tries to play off that she is this carefree soul but she really plans out every single move and plans relationships, friendships, stories to keep the public interest. She is so overexposed I can't stand it.


Totally agree with that completely, it's like she cares more about power than the music.

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Yeah I find her criminally overrated as a singer, songwriter, stage performer, and find her to be disingenuous.  But there is no denying she is the biggest pop star on the planet right now and having her major moment this year.  On one hand I can applaud that, but on the other I find that fact sad.  1989 is not a very strong pop album to be garnering all this success, it's one of the most overrated albums of '15 hands down.    

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Guest Lᴜᴠ3�ɪ♥Hᴀᴛᴇ�ɪ

She's by far the most overrated mainstream artist out there. I find her very manipulative and controlling. I think it's so bizarre that she has been in relationships as PR stunts and then actually writes SONGS about these guys when they are usually gay (Jake Gyllenhaal, Harry Styles, Taylor Lautner, etc)

She is so calculating about her image and what bothers me is that she tries to play off that she is this carefree soul but she really plans out every single move and plans relationships, friendships, stories to keep the public interest. She is so overexposed I can't stand it.

harry styles and taylor lautner are gay? :umomg:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I DONT' GET IT EITHER. i used to like not be able to stand her guts. seriously, she was my least fav. singer of all time. her and miley. i actually dont mind miley anymore and i think taylor doesnt irritate me as much too  but what relaly annoyed me aobut her for such a long time was how she was so obsessed with getting attention. i grew to like her a little tiny bit now because i try to make situations better and see best in each circumstance so i was able to find a few things that i liked and so i focused on them. i noticed she's sort of nerdy and has a pretty good style (im all about vintage too) so.


 but yeah i literraly dont get it either. all of the people hype her up so much. it's like she's the biggest star in the world right now.. it is sooo annoying. she will never be on a level of britney or any other real big star. i dont kno. i just can't picture it. she'll always be an extremely young, stick- skinny girl who is stuck in a younger mindset and that's that.... i also like her new music- the song style is my fav. but i will never stan like all these people do for her. i dont really get it. maybe one day i'll see what they see but her personality pisses me off. 

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She's by far the most overrated mainstream artist out there. I find her very manipulative and controlling. I think it's so bizarre that she has been in relationships as PR stunts and then actually writes SONGS about these guys when they are usually gay (Jake Gyllenhaal, Harry Styles, Taylor Lautner, etc)

She is so calculating about her image and what bothers me is that she tries to play off that she is this carefree soul but she really plans out every single move and plans relationships, friendships, stories to keep the public interest. She is so overexposed I can't stand it.

i totallly agree and the worst thing is all these stupid little kids fall for it. she is actually evil inside. she always pretended to be the hurting girl, the one who got her heart broke but if u listen to her songs, she ALWAYS BLAMES THE GUY. like what if YOU did something wrong? no, HE did. wtf??? she takes no responsiblity. and i think it's funny how she said she won't ever date (of course im already used to her manipulation and said in 6 months she'll be engaged, well i was kind of right cuz she just got with calvin harris and i dont even kno what that guy was thinking. he is the hottest thing on earth right now, WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM. he was soooo cute with rita ora. i guess he likes them younger. giphy.gif) but honestly this woman is exactly if not worse than miley inside and all these stupid little girls fall for it thinking she's not.

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Yeah I find her criminally overrated as a singer, songwriter, stage performer, and find her to be disingenuous.  But there is no denying she is the biggest pop star on the planet right now and having her major moment this year.  On one hand I can applaud that, but on the other I find that fact sad.  1989 is not a very strong pop album to be garnering all this success, it's one of the most overrated albums of '15 hands down.    

dont feel apologetic for not wanting to celebrate her success. it makes me crack up comparing her 'success' with other artists' sucess because like u said, there is nothing successful- it's just all hyped up.


i honestly think it's just her team doing a good job of promoting. they know exactly what to do to get her more attention and she's addicted to it so she knows how to do it to get people to pay attention to her. i honestly just wait till she gets stopped being overhyped and someone else comes along and she becomes irrelevant. this happens to every star. her irrelevance is inevitable so i dont rly care that she's all everyone talks about for now (beyonce is a different story tho :gloria: she is never dissapearing from our eyes is she :icanttt: my other least favorite)

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Blank space got so many views because it's simple, it's urban but not rap, it's easy on the ears, and the lyrics are catchy. I think everyone with a bunch of hits becomes overrated. :ipass2:

blank space it terrible. better than her other EMOTIONALLY ANNOYING songs. especially her last albums.but i think i actually kind of stan for her last record but i still dont like all the songs. i actually havent even listened to them. i only heard style and blanks space i think. and  I CAN'T STAND SHAKE IT OFF. worst song in all humanity (but i respect ur opinion, i think it's great that u like a person like her. i think u r a kinder person than me :gloria: because she gets to me so easily so u have a much better tolerance lol) 

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Guest Lᴜᴠ3�ɪ♥Hᴀᴛᴇ�ɪ

blank space it terrible. better than her other EMOTIONALLY ANNOYING songs. especially her last albums.but i think i actually kind of stan for her last record but i still dont like all the songs. i actually havent even listened to them. i only heard style and blanks space i think. and  I CAN'T STAND SHAKE IT OFF. worst song in all humanity (but i respect ur opinion, i think it's great that u like a person like her. i think u r a kinder person than me :gloria: because she gets to me so easily so u have a much better tolerance lol) 

yea I actually don't like blank space that much, I was just pointing out why people like it :P I would rate it a 6 1/2/ 10

I downloaded shake it off and I totally get it, 80% of the time I skip it :selenerz:

I think some of her music is cute, but she's never had like amazing music :mhm: I like her as a person and how she treats her fans more than her music tbh

haha no you're very kind, it's just to each their own. everyone likes something different :)

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@  You need to get out of my head.  I agree with all the T you're spreading in this thread.   :slay:

Watching a Taylor Swift performance makes me weep and long for the TRL era, undeniable pop superstar performers that easily demolishes any performances out today, she is so lucky there's no real competition.  Since 1989 is her own Prism, I hope Katy Perry claps back comes back with material even stronger.  

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@  You need to get out of my head.  I agree with all the T you're spreading in this thread.   :slay:

Watching a Taylor Swift performance makes me weep and long for the TRL era, undeniable pop superstar performers that easily demolishes any performances out today, she is so lucky there's no real competition.  Since 1989 is her own Prism, I hope Katy Perry claps back comes back with material even stronger.  

omygosh ur flawless :hug:  :slay: :excited:


yeah u cant even compare it to britney.. they're nowhere near that status. i mean the meaning of a britney performance and taylor or katy 'performance' is not even the same definition. i honestly dont think that can ever be topped. i like rihanna tho. she's entertaining. but she's a different thing (but a good kind of thing tbh i think she's the only one i approve of nowadays). i also miss TRL days sooo much :crying1:  :crying1: i want the 90s/2000s production, stages, dancing, all back. i want all the outfits and the bleached blonde hair and the cropped tops with low rise cool faded jeans  :pieceofwhat: those were the best. i think im gonna start a trend bringing all of the nostalgia back. im gonna start wearing and styling everything like they used to in the 90s and 2000s. i mean i grew up during this time but i want it all back. i am still that chick at heart.never gona change :P

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yea I actually don't like blank space that much, I was just pointing out why people like it :P I would rate it a 6 1/2/ 10

I downloaded shake it off and I totally get it, 80% of the time I skip it :selenerz:

I think some of her music is cute, but she's never had like amazing music :mhm: I like her as a person and how she treats her fans more than her music tbh

haha no you're very kind, it's just to each their own. everyone likes something different :)

well its true. she does have a kind streak to her and u can tell she means it. plus she gets attention back so it works out for everyone  :selenerz: (she does like the spotlight) but yeah a lot of her music i have always found to be super annoying. i do admit she's an amazing song writer. i mean it's not the best level and it's very simple but she's good at it. better than gaga imo. so she's got talent there. and i dont kno if she makes up the melodies as well because if she does, that's pretty genius, she knows how write well thats for sure. also if she writes all things herself, maybe thats why some songs dont turn out good cuz when u write it, it will sound different to u. but if u pick out a song already made by somebody u can judge and detect what the audience really hears

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omygosh ur flawless :hug:  :slay:  :excited:


yeah u cant even compare it to britney.. they're nowhere near that status. i mean the meaning of a britney performance and taylor or katy 'performance' is not even the same definition. i honestly dont think that can ever be topped. i like rihanna tho. she's entertaining. but she's a different thing (but a good kind of thing tbh i think she's the only one i approve of nowadays). i also miss TRL days sooo much :crying1:  :crying1: i want the 90s/2000s production, stages, dancing, all back. i want all the outfits and the bleached blonde hair and the cropped tops with low rise cool faded jeans  :pieceofwhat: those were the best. i think im gonna start a trend bringing all of the nostalgia back. im gonna start wearing and styling everything like they used to in the 90s and 2000s. i mean i grew up during this time but i want it all back. i am still that chick at heart.never gona change :P


I approve of all this.  The 90's/early '00 were some of the best of times from music, fashion, sports (obsessed with Mag 7 gymnastics), TV shows, video games, etc, all of it truly slayed and still does.   :slay:


These girls are lucky digital sales weren't a thing back in the day for Britney too.   :smokeney:

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I approve of all this.  The 90's/early '00 were some of the best of times from music, fashion, sports (obsessed with Mag 7 gymnastics), TV shows, video games, etc, all of it truly slayed and still does.   :slay:


These girls are lucky digital sales weren't a thing back in the day for Britney too.   :smokeney:

hehe  :slay: yeas i miss it all and i like nowadays too but i guess i get a little bored lol 

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