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Wouldn't It Be Nice

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That would be cool. Buuut, you know people would critize her by comparing how she looked back then VS how she looks now?


EDIT: Imagine her doing 21 costume changes  :thatsfunny:


she wouldn't all of em' but like she could do one section for 2 albums. and have for exemple the bomt outfit with the BOMT/OIDIA section. then the MATM for Britney/ITZ and all that stuff..?

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she wouldn't all of em' but like she could do one section for 2 albums. and have for exemple the bomt outfit with the BOMT/OIDIA section. then the MATM for Britney/ITZ and all that stuff..?


I like the idea of one outfit/two albums but both the BOMT outfit and the OIDIA are so iconic. She has so many iconic outfits that they probably wouldn't do a show with all of them  :crying1:

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