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Britney Bank Thread

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Btw why are you posting so much? I don't get this thread tbh :idontlike:

ok we post whatever on here (as much as we can) to raise our "money" every user gets points by posting things. i think about a hundred per post so i am trying to raise more money cuz i only got 3,000. there is a 'universe shop' where u can buy britney things: the little icons underneath the username and they cost a lot 

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ok we post whatever on here (as much as we can) to raise our "money" every user gets points by posting things. i think about a hundred per post so i am trying to raise more money cuz i only got 3,000. there is a 'universe shop' where u can buy britney things: the little icons underneath the username and they cost a lot

oh okay, I buy stuff there a lot :D

I didn't know what you were doing, lol :gloria: but I am saving up for an item I really want, also :crying1:

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