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do ya'll think guns should be banned?


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I am not from the States but one of my friends from America keeps posting about all the school shootings and other tragedies and they seem to be so frequent and completely ignored by the government, seems awful to me.


it's kinda controversial I guess but do you think guns should be banned?


I don't think I would feel safe in the UK if guns were widely legal and available. 

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Nope. And honestly I'm beyond sick of hearing about people trying. The problem isn't the guns and there are instances that show that tougher gun control laws have increases in crime not decreases, which is besides the point. I get overseas that you guys have a different perspective on it but its a right over here something that as citizens per our forefathers we are ENTITLED to. 


The only thing taking our guns away does is give our government more power which isn't something they need to have right now to be honest. Maybe if the government would allow us to punish our children and teach them right and wrong and talk about gun safety and raise them to be well mannered educated thinking members of society gun violence would go down.


Theres something to be said about us needing to revise some things where mental health is the problem too. But thats another subject lol.

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No, but our state now has a law that teachers can have guns in schools in case of school shootings. Is it a smart idea? NO, but is it a dumb idea? NO so I can't decide tbh :mhm:

It sounds stupid but in practice it seems to be quite effective, especially if theres mandated training. 


It DOES sound SO counter intuitive but then you look at the states with the greatest gun control laws and they are the worst gun violence and murder rates in the country.


Aside from that, my thing is, a lot of people seem to be under the impression that guns were put in the constitution for self protection but it was actually added in so we could fight off a tyrannous government as a piece in our "checks and balances" that are working soooo well for us these days. *sigh*  

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It sounds stupid but in practice it seems to be quite effective, especially if theres mandated training. 


It DOES sound SO counter intuitive but then you look at the states with the greatest gun control laws and they are the worst gun violence and murder rates in the country.


Aside from that, my thing is, a lot of people seem to be under the impression that guns were put in the constitution for self protection but it was actually added in so we could fight off a tyrannous government as a piece in our "checks and balances" that are working soooo well for us these days. *sigh*  

Ik right??? :tbh: The US government is so confusing to me today along with the rest of the world...

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Ik right??? :tbh: The US government is so confusing to me today along with the rest of the world...

Politics will do that. The more I learn the more frustrated I get lol. 


It just kills me to see people so easily influenced by whatever the media says, and they arent so trustworthy these days.

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Ya dang illuminati lol jk :trollney:

hahaha not even! It is kinda crazy though the impact they have once you start looking. I wouldn't say Illuminati but I think its naive to ignore the politics and financial aspects involved paired with there being a constant race to get to stuff first and on time leaving less time and emphasis on fact checking and research. Plus apparently most of the media sources are owned by just 6 companies.  

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hahaha not even! It is kinda crazy though the impact they have once you start looking. I wouldn't say Illuminati but I think its naive to ignore the politics and financial aspects involved paired with there being a constant race to get to stuff first and on time leaving less time and emphasis on fact checking and research. Plus apparently most of the media sources are owned by just 6 companies.  

Haha I agree with that 100% :mhm:

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People who are going to commit crimes will find a weapon whether they're legal or not. Banning guns or implementing harsh restriction will only lower the number of people who truly know & respect how to handle them. As somebody from outta the US, you'd might not pick up that places where these shootings happen--California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Connecticut--are some of the most liberal states in the Union where weapons are cracked down upon.


American media tends to shy away from reporting when concealed weapons owners take down potential shooters, such is the case in Utah and Texas. We also don't tend to report that the excise taxes on weapons and ammo are what fund national parks, herd preservation and nature rehabilitation efforts so that hunters will have game to hunt and protected areas to hunt in :xf1:


Anyways, I'm off mah soapbox  :oopsss: 


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We have gun laws here and very few shooting, so... yes, the US needs to do something about it.

Obviously you can't stop any sort of violence altogether, people are always going to find a way, but you can certainly help prevent it.


Where are you from? 


Banning them wouldn't really do much, but there really desperately needs to be stricter gun laws. You'd think after the Sandy Hook Massacre something would have happened, but nope. Several more shootings and they still haven't changed the laws relating to guns. It's sad.


It sounds strange but just because were having gun and violence problems doesn't actually mean we need stricter gun laws. The places in the us with the strictest gun laws are a lot of the times the same area where we are having the more severe shootings and violence rates. 


People who are going to commit crimes will find a weapon whether they're legal or not. Banning guns or implementing harsh restriction will only lower the number of people who truly know & respect how to handle them. As somebody from outta the US, you'd might not pick up that places where these shootings happen--California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Connecticut--are some of the most liberal states in the Union where weapons are cracked down upon.


American media tends to shy away from reporting when concealed weapons owners take down potential shooters, such is the case in Utah and Texas. We also don't tend to report that the excise taxes on weapons and ammo are what fund national parks, herd preservation and nature rehabilitation efforts so that hunters will have game to hunt and protected areas to hunt in :xf1:


Anyways, I'm off mah soapbox  :oopsss:





The other thing that blows my mind is we have problems with being allowed to punish kids... cant spank them and a guy around here just got arrested for felony child abuse for making his teenager carry pavers. Yeah he probably took it a bit overboard in my opinion but if we cant actually punish our children and teach them right and wrong and consequences and instead of teaching gun safety were too busy trying to shield skids from it anyway we look.... 

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Where are you from? 



It sounds strange but just because were having gun and violence problems doesn't actually mean we need stricter gun laws. The places in the us with the strictest gun laws are a lot of the times the same area where we are having the more severe shootings and violence rates. 





The other thing that blows my mind is we have problems with being allowed to punish kids... cant spank them and a guy around here just got arrested for felony child abuse for making his teenager carry pavers. Yeah he probably took it a bit overboard in my opinion but if we cant actually punish our children and teach them right and wrong and consequences and instead of teaching gun safety were too busy trying to shield skids from it anyway we look.... 

Well, something desperately needs to be done otherwise these are just going to continue. A lot of these shootings are done by mentally ill individuals. Background checks should be mandatory if they're not already.

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Well, something desperately needs to be done otherwise these are just going to continue. A lot of these shootings are done by mentally ill individuals. Background checks should be mandatory if they're not already.


Honestly from all the research ive done it seems things are safer when the good people are armed and trained. Nobody wants to look at that because its so easy to pin the guilt on the guns instead of on the social problems we have in this country. 


I think one reason for the increase lately is because of the 15 minutes of fame. In some weird sick and twisted way it seems to have become somewhat "trendy" so to speak and its a problem. 


But as Valetgirls said earlier the media doesn't talk about all the situations that happen when the good guys are armed too. I mean think about one robber walking into a bank full of unarmed people with a gun. Now imagine a robber walks into a bank with 15 concealed carry or even if they just knew there was a good chance of having a lot of people who are also carrying.


You dont hear of many gun stores getting robbed lol. 


There was a situation a few months ago up the street from me where a convenience store worker got robbed in the same gas station where a woman got murdered years ago and the killer still hasn't been caught. He had a gun and defended himself and walked away she didn't. But those stories dont usually make huge news like the tragic ones you know? 


I fully agree something needs to be done, I just think it would do us some good to realize our approach on these things hasn't been effective for a very long time and try to take a new approach.

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