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Sry I can't  :lmaolol:

I feel the adrenaline moving through my ass

Spotlight on me and I'm ready to cum

I'm like a performer, the dancefloor is my bed

Better be ready, hope that you feel the same!

caly album, nie tylko jedna piosenka  :awkwarddd:


* I've never had sex while listening to Britney... I think it may be disrespectful


* She doens't know who i am... and i'm pretty sure she doesn't give a f*ck


* She doens't know that my country exist, and during FFT the was a rumor that she was coming as my country is in the center of central america, but they decided to go for Dominican Republic as it was cheaper for them


Britney's a Sagittarius. :britdrown:



No really, um let's see...
I guess this might kind of be one?
Does anyone else remember when everybody thought Preston's name was gonna be Sutton Peirce?


actual fact: britney dyed her hair brown the first time as a sign of rebellion because her team thought she sold better as a blond  ;)



Fact: I'm a Slave 4 U & Jurassic Park were filmed in the same studio stage :tbh:


#JurassicParkIsTheBritneySpearsOfCinemaTBH :mhm:

Thanks for those real facts :crying5:


More real facts: Hot As Ice was supposed to be a single and she auditioned for Allie's (did i spell that right?) role in the notebook.

Yeah I remember reading that some choreographer had worked all of the HAI choreo with her but they changed last minute, thanks for sharing :kisskiss:

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