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OIDIA round 11; vote even if you arent a rep, you can jump in without knowing any of the rules

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So you mean I act gayer than you? It feels wrong to say that even, but I'll just go w it. I do like alotta fruits and rainbows are beautiful....but I have zero fashion sense, cannot even tell when Britney has hair extensions, I dont wax my eyebrows and go to tanning beds, those other stereotypes we were discussing, and I dont call everyone Gurl and Sis (although thanks to y'all I do alot more lately)...if I was gay Id know it and Id be getting a gay blowjob right now


And yessss, any dude who is a JT stan is defnly gay. Like do I wana listen to a pussified diva who sounds like hes getting a dick in the ass, or a sexy female voice...? Also if you literally stan for him and his curly pubes on his head, then how can you not be gay...? Like strait BSB and Nsync fans...Im sorry those literally do not exist past the age of 9


alright so....

1. all of those "gay" things that you just mentioned; i'm not doing any of them tbh  :idgi:

2. "curly pubes on his head" - i laughed so hard! :loldisidiot:

3. i'm not stanning him

4. his new music isn't even close to what Nsync used to do. (it's not 2001 anymore  :zoomzoom: )

5. again, i'm not stanning him or even like his music

6. you're gayer than i am


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alright so....

1. all of those "gay" things that you just mentioned; i'm not doing any of them tbh  :idgi:

2. "curly pubes on his head" - i laughed so hard! :loldisidiot:

3. i'm not stanning him

4. his new music isn't even close to what Nsync used to do. (it's not 2001 anymore  :zoomzoom: )

5. again, i'm not stanning him or even like his music

6. you're gayer than i am




you make quite a big deal about JT...like I made fun of your effeminate pussified boyfriend or something


also, I still dont know what you mean by "gayer"? Like you think I act gayer, or that I am literally more into penises than you...cuz you are the one trying to always solicit sex w every single guy in the Universe tbh


So I like some of the same things gays like...just not penises and I prefer the company of women which is, in a way, gay...but whatever.

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okay lol :lmaolol:

Hey do me a favor? Like my photo on the first page of this thread. :) it's for a contest and it would mean a TON!! :thumbsup:http://britney-galaxy.com/universe/topic/4463-2-one-million-points-contest/

okay sure


Toxicguy has been my friend since exhell, and he was one of the people who PM'd me to join Universe tbh


but he's just a sassy kinda guy so everything he says sounds like he's fighting. He likes to throw a hissy fit, and be center of attention like a true drag queen

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you make quite a big deal about JT...like I made fun of your effeminate pussified boyfriend or something


also, I still dont know what you mean by "gayer"? Like you think I act gayer, or that I am literally more into penises than you...cuz you are the one trying to always solicit sex w every single guy in the Universe tbh


So I like some of the same things gays like...just not penises and I prefer the company of women which is, in a way, gay...but whatever.

i don't make a big deal about him. lol idc about him.

i mean that you act gayer


and babe, i'm not trying to have sex with everyone in Universe.

only with you  ;)  and because it's fun cause it hurts you when someone thinks you're gay 


you're gayer :yes:

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okay sure

Toxicguy has been my friend since exhell, and he was one of the people who PM'd me to join Universe tbh

but he's just a sassy kinda guy so everything he says sounds like he's fighting. He likes to throw a hissy fit, and be center of attention like a true drag queen

lol okay :yeahsure: haha :)

Thanks for voting, btw!! Means a TON! :D

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Toxey is like my gay little brother. We arent fighting


Its just a term of endearment 


Britney approves  :thumbsup:


sure seems like it... :yeahsure:



we cool  :P


okay sure


Toxicguy has been my friend since exhell, and he was one of the people who PM'd me to join Universe tbh


but he's just a sassy kinda guy so everything he says sounds like he's fighting. He likes to throw a hissy fit, and be center of attention like a true drag queen


lav ya! :hug:



it's funny you call it "exhell" but you still go there all the time  :omg1:

"but he's just a sassy kinda guy so everything he says sounds like he's fighting. He likes to throw a hissy fit, and be center of attention like a true drag queen" you got me on this one  ;)

(even tho i'm not a drag queen and don't wanna be :sipstea: )

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i don't make a big deal about him. lol idc about him.

i mean that you act gayer


and babe, i'm not trying to have sex with everyone in Universe.

only with you  ;)  and because it's fun cause it hurts you when someone thinks you're gay 


you're gayer :yes:

lolol ahahaha


it doesnt hurt me when someone thinks Im gay...its fuckin hilarious


Im not homophobic. My sis is a lesbian and she first came out to me for support. Like almost all of her friends are super gay and lesbian, and they make fun of me for Britney and call me a silly f*g all the time, in a term of endearment kinda way of course. I actually love my girly gay fans...lol jk. And I dont exactly believe gay stereotypes either, like some guys are gay who you cant even tell...others are like definitely gay. Also, like several of my friends are bi-sexual, and my best friend just came out about having sex w she males. So I am not your stereotypical strait male, but then again you should know that cuz I am a Britney stanboy.


also...why would you wanna hurt me. Thats so mean! *in an effeminate stereotypical gay voice

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Britney approves  :thumbsup:




we cool  :P



lav ya! :hug:



it's funny you call it "exhell" but you still go there all the time  :omg1:

"but he's just a sassy kinda guy so everything he says sounds like he's fighting. He likes to throw a hissy fit, and be center of attention like a true drag queen" you got me on this one  ;)

(even tho i'm not a drag queen and don't wanna be :sipstea: )

Ya I shade exhell and Jordan all of the time there...and shit on members who suck over thurr. They think they iz betta

plus Im like in love w a coupla of my gurlfriends from there, and I am secretly waiting for one who barely gets on to Get Back and PM me

I have some friends there, and eventually I will be able to convince them to leave...but people there love sarcasm and being dicks and I kinda do too. But I also like how everyone is so sweet here. Universe really fucks w exhale, they even auto-correct the word Universe and it turns into "exhale"


And everything I post there is weird and often doesnt make sense.



EDIT: also like how do you know? 

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lolol ahahaha


it doesnt hurt me when someone thinks Im gay...its fuckin hilarious


Im not homophobic. My sis is a lesbian and she first came out to me for support. Like almost all of her friends are super gay and lesbian, and they make fun of me for Britney and call me a silly f*g all the time, in a term of endearment kinda way of course. I actually love my girly gay fans...lol jk. And I dont exactly believe gay stereotypes either, like some guys are gay who you cant even tell...others are like definitely gay. Also, like several of my friends are bi-sexual, and my best friend just came out about having sex w she males. So I am not your stereotypical strait male, but then again you should know that cuz I am a Britney stanboy.


also...why would you wanna hurt me. Thats so mean! *in an effeminate stereotypical gay voice


omg that was so funny rn :queenie:

what a nice little story! :tbh:


i know you're not homophobic and that you have a lot of gay friends


i died when you said "she males" :loldisidiot:


btw, i don't have any of those gay stereotypes. no one knew that i'm gay in my school. not even my friends. (unless i told them :orangu: )



and i know it doesn't hurt you but you try to prove me that you're not like it's THAT important to you. but i know it's not and that you're straight and i'm just messing with you  ;)






still gayer  :omg1:


i'm still sooooooo curious to know how old you are!!  :4music:

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Ya I shade exhell and Jordan all of the time there...and shit on members who suck over thurr. They think they iz betta

plus Im like in love w a coupla of my gurlfriends from there, and I am secretly waiting for one who barely gets on to Get Back and PM me

I have some friends there, and eventually I will be able to convince them to leave...but people there love sarcasm and being dicks and I kinda do too. But I also like how everyone is so sweet here. Universe really fucks w exhale, they even auto-correct the word Universe and it turns into "exhale"


And everything I post there is weird and often doesnt make sense.



EDIT: also like how do you know? 


oh yeah i know what you mean  :thatsfunny:

and i also know about the auto-correct  :frenchy:


about your edit, i had to go delete some stuff i had there (like my profile page) so i checked who of my friends have left exhell and who is still there.

(you were the only one online. the others were last online when we moved to Uni :orangu: )

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omg that was so funny rn :queenie:

what a nice little story! :tbh:


i know you're not homophobic and that you have a lot of gay friends


i died when you said "she males" :loldisidiot:


btw, i don't have any of those gay stereotypes. no one knew that i'm gay in my school. not even my friends. (unless i told them :orangu: )



and i know it doesn't hurt you but you try to prove me that you're not like it's THAT important to you. but i know it's not and that you're straight and i'm just messing with you  ;)






still gayer  :omg1:


i'm still sooooooo curious to know how old you are!!  :4music:

lol why is she male so funny to you?


like thats what he says. And by she-male you know I mean transvestite, as in has a penis and the rest female (like boobs and face n stuff...but Im not sure if they have penises and vaginas or how that works exactly). 


Do you march Pride parade? Like are you an activist or just horny for men?

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lol why is she male so funny to you?


like thats what he says. And by she-male you know I mean transvestite, as in has a penis and the rest female (like boobs and face n stuff...but Im not sure if they have penises and vaginas or how that works exactly). 


Do you march Pride parade? Like are you an activist or just horny for men?

yeah.......... i know what you meant :orangu:

i laughed because of the term "she-male" :orangu:

and for your question, it's not the same for everyone. they decide what they want to leave and what to add :tbh::orangu:


"horny for men"?  :frenchy::gloria::orangu:

only close friends and family know i'm gay rn. i went to a gay pride parade once but in my country everyone goes there. even straight people who just support us. the pride parade in my country is one of the biggest of all of the world and the main city of the county is known to be very gay friendly.

if that's what you asked..... :orangu: (i didn't really understand your question tbh :orangu: )



you have to tell me how old you are!

i'm more curious than Curious George!




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oh yeah i know what you mean  :thatsfunny:

and i also know about the auto-correct  :frenchy:


about your edit, i had to go delete some stuff i had there (like my profile page) so i checked who of my friends have left exhell and who is still there.

(you were the only one online. the others were last online when we moved to Uni :orangu: )

oh well thanks for calling me out in front of the Universe


I see others there from time to time, but I was always soley a bsn member so I never link to bh homepage or general or other fuckshit. I would find it hilarious as fuck if the site dies off, and J is really flopping hard over there...some people make sentimental pages about showing Jrdn support and I always litter the threads w smartass quotes and truth tea. I am sorry but I have to watch that ship sink...I consider it not only a bastardly thing to do, but the way he did it was fucking stupid and shitty, it was a dumb dumb idea to have a pop forum in 2014 esp since pop music is in its end days, and he is just shady and Ive never really cared for him. He is a moron for not actually utilizing the opinions of his members, which he totally coulda got support for his new idea if he asked our opinions beforehand. I would say like 90% of people in bsn, even the dicks and trolls, actually shade him and are critical...like the people who I thought were Jordtards even are harsh on him and his constant lies and lame "journalism". 


oh well fuck em. If it werent for wanting to defend Britney and some of the Army, and several friends over there, id never log in over there ever again


I dont wanna talk about that shit though cuz the politics of it are shit

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yeah.......... i know what you meant :orangu:

i laughed because of the term "she-male" :orangu:

and for your question, it's not the same for everyone. they decide what they want to leave and what to add :tbh::orangu:


"horny for men"?  :frenchy::gloria::orangu:

only close friends and family know i'm gay rn. i went to a gay pride parade once but in my country everyone goes there. even straight people who just support us. the pride parade in my country is one of the biggest of all of the world and the main city of the county is known to be very gay friendly.

if that's what you asked..... :orangu: (i didn't really understand your question tbh :orangu: )



you have to tell me how old you are!

i'm more curious than Curious George!




no i didnt mean transgender...I meant born with penis and female body parts. Like its how they were born.


But thats a good question I wonder if he is attracted to transgender people who undergo hormone and surgical stuff...Im pretty sure I asked him a million questions and that was one of them, which I think he is only into that if they are born that way. He mainly sleeps w women though, and just has a fetish. He calls himself gay...but Im like how are you gay if you have sex w women and are attracted to them...Also shemales are like not quite men...so idk what to call that. I think he's just having difficulty adjusting and coming out w that tbh

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oh well thanks for calling me out in front of the Universe


I see others there from time to time, but I was always soley a bsn member so I never link to bh homepage or general or other fuckshit. I would find it hilarious as fuck if the site dies off, and J is really flopping hard over there...some people make sentimental pages about showing Jrdn support and I always litter the threads w smartass quotes and truth tea. I am sorry but I have to watch that ship sink...I consider it not only a bastardly thing to do, but the way he did it was fucking stupid and shitty, it was a dumb dumb idea to have a pop forum in 2014 esp since pop music is in its end days, and he is just shady and Ive never really cared for him. He is a moron for not actually utilizing the opinions of his members, which he totally coulda got support for his new idea if he asked our opinions beforehand. I would say like 90% of people in bsn, even the dicks and trolls, actually shade him and are critical...like the people who I thought were Jordtards even are harsh on him and his constant lies and lame "journalism". 


oh well fuck em. If it werent for wanting to defend Britney and some of the Army, and several friends over there, id never log in over there ever again


I dont wanna talk about that shit though cuz the politics of it are shit


1. you're welcome :orangu:

2. obviously it was a dumb thing to do because he's stupid! i mean - seriously!!! there are no people who stan 2 pop singers! and people don't wanna have other stans for other singers in their forum!

3. hdu say that pop is dying?!?!!? what about Britney???????? she's the queen of pop!!!!!!!!!!!!  :zoomzoom:  :zoomzoom:  :zoomzoom:

4. "even the dicks and trolls" dicks and trolls are all is left there! and you still go there.......  :zoomzoom:

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