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  1. This song slays
  2. It's okay, I like Britney's scenes but everytime I'm really enjoying it Iggy shows up again. My favorite part was when Britney started the first verse in her house. I'd say it's better than Perfume but not as good as Work Bitch IMO
  3. Iggy looks vile and atrocious as always but Godney is slaying, yas
  4. That shirt is so cool! Where'd you get it?
  5. This is cute but Max Martin kinda creeps me out
  6. I like it, way better than the chorus snippet we got. Its hard to tell but it sounds closer to FF/Circus eras of processed than BJ thrown together vocal processing
  7. Terrible, having Iggy on the chorus was a fucking horrible idea
  8. Hi, I've been fooling around in Photoshop manipulating things for the past few days. A lot of the stuff is repurposed from one pic to the next but I really love them and I'm gonna be branching out to some other pics soon (It's hard finding large HQ pics)
  9. Better choreo than Femme Fatale tour
  10. Tru, I don't necessarily know that she's directly behind pricing but from what I understand nowadays she doesn't seem to like M&Gs much and if I had to do that every night I'd prob wanna be paid more too
  11. It got taken down? Damn
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