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3isacharm last won the day on October 17 2019

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About 3isacharm

  • Birthday 12/24/1984

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  1. gurl, the BOMT picture vinyl is on amazon for $22 the other ones are decent price considering how overpriced they're on eBay
  2. Blackout is available on clear vinyl now
  3. The other album's colored versions are sold out. They ones you see there are clear vinyl version. All were limited to 5,000 copies just like Blackout and they're all sold out now, including Blackout
  4. maybe they will in 5 years for the 25th anniversary. That's a bigger deal than 20 tbh
  5. Why is his appearance of any relevance with all of this?
  6. why are you so judgemental? you're also not a good example of a fan we should be supporting each other in the fanbase instead of criticizing each other. Britney also smokes so what's your point?
  7. stanning hard on twitter/IG/FB tbh
  8. I mean... it really isn't. However, it is not a Britney Spears quality album. I think most of us have just a negative perception of the album because of the vocals mess, Myah Marie, and how they marketed the album as personal when it was a FF 2.0 party anthems but some ballads sprinkled throughout
  9. So true... then it is about time we start bowing down to the Brutny Johanna era?
  10. OMG Glory Chaotic, Mona Lisa & Tom's Diner deserved better
  11. Same but Tinashe has shown nothing but love and respect for Britney. I am glad the collab happened. It gave us a great Music Video
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