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HeadstrongWolf last won the day on September 28 2023

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About HeadstrongWolf

  • Birthday 04/20/1995

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  1. Shit I'm behind... I wonder if this alien will have the glitch
  2. Anyone wanna fuck around in Destin and passive-agressively piss off Jamie? I wanna find out what kind of car he drives, just so I can throw a piece of bologna on his car, so it'll dissolve the paint I wanna carry a water bottle and dump it on his shoes so his socks get wet I wanna dress up and look super cringey and meet up with him and show him TikToks until he gets annoyed I wanna take his phone and move his funds around in his bank account so that the next time he tries to use his card, he'll be charged a bank overdraft fee I wanna be in line and in front of him at a place like Taco Bell so I can order the whole menu and force him to wait 30 minutes I want him to ask for a chocolate chip cookie just so I can give him a raisin cookie
  3. I lost my shit when I saw that. When he said Jamie's a d*ck, 👀👀👀👀👀 Me waiting outside The Henderson, located in Destin, where Jamie does business, 20 minutes from where I work. If anyone's got a copy of the stream let me know.
  4. Oooo that looks interesting. It's probably just one vinyl disc, so probably only up to criminal. Ugh, the shame.
  5. Aww looks like the preview is gone. Is it only up to criminal? Or does it include bonus tracks? (Doubtful, but Glory had 2 vinyls)
  6. It's DEFINITELY a ploy to try and tarnish Lynne. There are more important things going on in Hollywood - for example, Harvey Weinstein.
  7. Long story short, Lynne ran over a kid on a bike and killed him when she was 20. Mother of the deceased said Lynne has never reached out about it.
  8. https://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity-scandals/britney-spears-lynne-spears-killed-boy-never-called-grieving-mom/ First off... I see y'all. Of course Lynne doesn't want to fucking talk about it. How would you apologize for something like that? But the important thing to notate here, is why bring up this old news in the middle of the court battle? Exactly "who" asked this woman about this?
  9. I still haven't even gotten my Britney vinyl 😭😭😭😭 I'm so fucking broke. I'm still fucked up they put radar on there tho.......
  10. Gurl I'm so busy I can't even do my own projects I got a lot going on in my personal life rn
  11. I mean, Hey Ma and So Free are both kinda generic, so it could work... All we care about are Britney's parts. Let's get pleasure you involved
  12. https://dbree.org/v/db86b4
  13. @Bretyna SperanskySperansky or I could just do like I did with hey ma and use phonicmind. Those filters actually came out really well so I expect they would come out really well with this song
  14. The instrumental is actually really good, but Pitbull... ugh...
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