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Nathan last won the day on January 18 2015

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About Nathan

  • Birthday 04/06/1996

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  1. When did they say it though? They record their shows so we can listen to it again.
  2. The hair is a bit too long but it's SO MUCH BETTER than the curly waves.
  3. He's still trash and his lyrics are disgusting tbh I really don't understand how people see him as some kind of legend or something
  4. "These fuckin brats can't sing and Britney's garbage What's this bitch retarded? Gimme back my sixteen dollars" Yeah you're right he's great
  5. He's trash tbh
  6. I'm trying to be positive but I don't like it. White male rappers just annoy me, I hope it isn't TOO vulgar for the lead single.
  7. THANK YOU OMG Although I wouldn't post this on the main page or else it might get flagged and banned :/
  8. Luckily Britney will probably be pretty early on the red carpet because she'll have to get ready. She's usually one of the last!
  9. I've been thinking this as well. An early leak is EXTREMELY likely.
  10. she probably just burned it to a disc
  11. By the way, I don't think Britney is actually IN court. The whole point of a deposition is that it's out of court (well, that's what Wikipedia says ) .
  12. I never really understand why we freak out at the songs being registered. I remember loads being registered and rumoured pre-Britney Jean and none of them ever came to light.....
  13. Ooooo that make up girl... no no no. Femme Fatale realness. I'm not sure why make up artists keep doing that look on her? It isn't flattering at all. The last couple of shows make up >>>>>>>>
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