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I_need_me last won the day on October 14 2018

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About I_need_me

  • Birthday 07/31/1996

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  1. Yass, I'm super excited because since Britney and her team have never disappointed us I know that we can really expect something big, I can't wait
  2. There's this guy who got the right information about the release of Slumber Party, the MV and everything, who's been teasing something. It's weird that no one has posted about it in this forum, he was supposed to be "close" to the admins of Universe, did something happen? I need the tea
  3. You can look for them on instagram or twitter, it's what I do, this forum has been quite innactive for some time now so I wouldn't expect to see many updates
  4. An unannounced single which was never confirmed by an official source and was made up by Britney's own stans and random twitter accounts ended up being a lie, I am so shocked
  5. Did he choreograph the Femme Fatale tour?
  6. We're sick of that photoshoot because it's been used everywhere for the last two years, but it actually is really good, she looks amazing
  7. I can already feel that the Kenzo campaign is gonna get her a lot of exposure, I hope they use this oportunity properly and we finally get a decent era. Come through fashion legend
  8. Just imagine her performing Work Bitch or Me Against the Music with this outfit
  9. People can say what they want about her, but the fact that she's so easy to work with because of how professional and humble she is is what makes her such a great artist!
  10. Imagine if she wears this collection on the tour or something, seeing her wearing that jacket alone has already changed my life
  11. I wasn't expecting her to attend this event at all, she looks great!
  12. Are you talking about the whole show, including the opening act, or just Britney's performance? Because POM only lasts for an hour and a half
  13. On a more serious note, it seems like there are a lot of shady people out there. I think it's kinda dumb that they trick people like that just to get an instrumental or whatever, I don't know
  14. The trading universe is a mystery to me, but I live for the fact that it's a never-ending source of drama
  15. I'm not really sure about this, but I remember people pointing out that she didn't follow him a while ago
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