Britney Spears
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- 59 replies
Hope y'all basic bitches are jealous, 'cause you should be </3
Last reply by Kyros, -
- 10 replies
This popular band, McFly, totally copied Britney's If U Seek Amy in 2010. the song is kinda catchy, but I just can't get over the striking similarities. Ever heard of them? My friends love them and they played this song and I was like how low!! Lol Thoughts?
Last reply by tarotx, -
- 29 replies
Last reply by VinceSpears, -
- 21 replies
Ok, a certain member on exhell claims that her vocals on both ITZ and Blackout were 'shit'. Let's review. With ITZ, yes this album isn't particularly her strongest one vocally, however, on songs such as Everytime, Shadow, Don't Hang Up and Toxic, I'd hardly call her vocals 'shit'. Now Blackout is what I believe to be one of her strongest albums vocally, as you can tell on Gimme More, Break The Ice, Heaven On Earth, Get Naked and Get Back. I fail to see how exactly her vocals are bad on those albums.
Last reply by ItsNathanbitch, -
- 3 replies
She's dancing her ass off every night on POM so she needed to rest a little... Look at the last candids... She looks happy and so sexy
Last reply by Everytime, -
Not sure if anyone else has seen this BRAND NEW VH1 "I love the 2000's" show that premiered yesterday but our Queen Brit Brit seems to get her own segment in each episode or year rather, called "The Year In Spears" Entertainment weekly has posted this article with a recap for the "2000" & "2001" episodes, which have "The Year In Spears: Oops I did it again" for the 2000 episode and "The Year in Spears: Slave 4 U" for 2001 episode. Can't wait to see what they do for the rest of the decade!!! …
Last reply by TeamBritneyNY, -
- 70 replies
1:12 top right directly behind britney 2:06 the very top and the backdrop, the backdrop for slave on femme fatale tour was like that too and i'm sure you've noticed but the lyrics to 3 are about 2 guys and a girl
Last reply by BritneyJeanSpears, -
- 41 replies
Last reply by Nelli Gaidai, -
- 118 replies
Last reply by timbits, -
- 30 replies
According to my 79 year-old nan, Britney is: "That one who drove with her baby on her lap" "I don't like her, she was very wayward back then" And her thoughts on the WB video: "It's very inappropriate" She also thinks Gaga is "a good little dancer, but a bit saucy" and Madonna is "an awful woman". EDIT: On Katy Perry; "yeah, she's nice, I like her".
Last reply by onyx09, -
What's up summer!!! Where are my sunglasses when I need them? Lol She's so sweet and beautiful!
Last reply by Josie Jean, -
- 21 replies
This was so freakin' funny and awesome. Who CAN'T relate to this?! I literally sent this link to all my gym buddies to 1. have an excuse to hear them talk about Britney and 2. explain why it's SO annoying to wait as they get dolled go home. ANOTHER amazing reason to love our girl Brit!
Last reply by VerySoon, -
- 0 replies
Britannica just tweeted about this petition for Work Bitch to be nominated on VMA 2014. Sign here:
Last reply by Archie, -
- 19 replies
- 621 views They're from the producers demo reel. Looks like we won't be seeing these in full for a while
Last reply by Ariana Grande, -
- 7 replies
You might not believe it But trust me this is true You fall for their poison And become a part of their crew I'm in a rebellion And I'm up against the truth So will you join me? Or will you be taken too? You'll find it in rebellion Your body starts breaking in They're not believing what they're seeing 'Cause you're rebellion You'll find it so compelling 'Cause everyone's yelling 'Cause your soul you're not selling 'Cause you're rebellion Be wary of others The ones closest to you The poison they feed you And the voodoo that they do But in rebellion there's a sparkle of truth Don't just stand there Do what you got to do You'll find it in rebellion…
Last reply by heather, -
- 40 replies
What would you like? I would like criminal tbh :britwink:
Last reply by enzo, -
- 8 replies
Her dancing is so good here :clap: and she looks so hot I can't wait till august to see her on stage again :pieceofme2: I love you Britney.
Last reply by Fiyero, -
- 2 replies
hey guys if u do a lot of sport ( like minimum 3 times per week ) try this.. i had a really motherf******* bad workout .... it was really heavy so dont know wether u know that but if u train so hard in gym that u not evenn able to make the shampoo on ur head cuz u cant lift up ur arm to ur head something like that.. for sure its the same if u run tons of kilometers till u broke down on the floor and cant even walk or stuff like that try: make a really hot bath then put on the tracklist hold on tight perfume and outta this world feels like new born i normally dont like perfume. but it was perfect! outta this world to stand up and let all the…
Last reply by Beignet Binch, -
- 10 replies
i know alot of fans want her to do something controversial like light her vagina on fire or wipe her ass with the american flag on stage, but lbr she won't do any of that she won't do anything remotely controversial at this point in her life and i don't blame her, people would look at her as an old hasbeen trying to be relevant cough madonna cough so my idea is for her to do a televised performance but her not doing anything controversial herself, but maybe have something on stage going on that's controversial i think she should have a lesbian couple and a gay couple making love on stage (obviously not really but just acting) the song would have something to do with b…
Last reply by Lenore, -
- 36 replies
Last reply by Nelli Gaidai, -
- 25 replies
I read some people on here saying Britneys residency isnt well known and I was like whaaaattt?? Its VERY well known. So I put it to the test. We were in class and I said I cant wait until August bc im going to Vegas. Immediately the girl behind me was like , "Are you gonna see Britney?!!" SO freakin loud...and I nodded my head. EVERYONE turned their head around and ppl were like "OMG Im jealous, ive been wanting to go", OMG its gonna be SO good!" "OMG BRITNEY SPEARS??!!" EVERYONE knew...and for a good five minutes everyone was just talking about her, it was AWESOME! I should let you know, im in an accelerated masters program, and everyone is 24 or older, so were no…
Last reply by Nelli Gaidai, -
- 15 replies
that britney call herself britney bitch. like this are her forename and lastname. some non fans dont understand that she means its britney, BITCH! i heared this yesterday the third time in 1 month. one of them was a native speaker of UK and all of this 3 guys are REALLY not stupid!! so did u hear that too???? i just wonder.. i mean it shows that even the nonfans notice her a lot more then few years ago.. and those who said that were all over 30 years old and were never fans of her dont even know 2 tracks... it was in a dialog were i said something about her. "britney spears? doesnt she call herself britney bitch now??" first time i was rolling…
Last reply by popanddrugs, -
- 42 replies
Who the fuck cares about Fantasy ? We need new Believe Perfume. Believe >>>>> Fantasy tbh.
Last reply by COCKy™, -
- 18 replies
2000: Oops!... I Did It Again Tour - American Leg - Hershey, PA (USA) 2001: Out and about in Los Angeles 2002: Dream Within A Dream Tour - Second Leg - Auburn Hills, MI (USA) Dream Within A Dream Tour - Second Leg - Auburn Hills, MI (USA) (Fan Pictures)
Last reply by CIRCUS, -
- 13 replies
i guess its thrilling to be one of few people to have stems and unreleased material but it would be awesome if some of you just shared it with all us fans like the Rebellion and Britney board members
Last reply by Beignet Binch,
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