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Britney and the Illuminati

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I do believe that. :crying1: They say it ended 30 decades ago but it's still going on.

1. 30 drcades? :Frenchy:2.
3. Well when she broke her programming all her alters went crazy and bizarre, when they reprogrammed her we got robotney and in the FFT dates when she smiled there was pain in her eyes sometimes, I think that was because they hadn't completely reprogrammed her yet and the real britney was still there in a way, but now that she's all happy i think that they've managed to take complete control of her and lock up her core personality Sorry if i sound crazy af but i am a very guilable person and because of that i ended up easily believing in this especially with the proof their is :orangu:
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There's another horrible video where the paparazzi kind of corner Britney by a fence (I guess at her house) and she's crying and holding like a little dog or cat at the same time... and the guys ask her, 'Hey Britney, is everything alright?' But the goddamn fuckers don't stop taking pictures of her. At some points Brit turns to the camera and her face look in a very deep stress and anguish. And her face is like she was crying all day long. I hate that.


I think that was when her tough ride was at its worst; and I sincerely admired her for not killing herself. Seriously. People with less pressure have done that.

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