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My best friend hates Britney :(

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That boy does not sound like much of a friend. More like a bully in disguise, just because you like Britney, doesn't mean he has to.That also doesn't mean he has to go around and be rude to you about her! Maybe the boy has some problems at home, maybe it's just the way he is. If I were you I would try to find new friends and once you find them, let this boy go because he's doing nothing for you and is clearly making you upset. I've had my share of friends like that, and letting go of them was the best option.

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 Best Friend?  :4music: Bitch would respect your opinion and your likes/dislikes to earn that title. 


If he is truly your friend then you need to tell him that it upsets you, and you don't think its funny.  If he continues SLAP HIM UP!!....Then walk away for good. :walkaway:


Don't let these haters get to you!! There are ALWAYS people putting Britney down, I know why I love her, if others don't, they are the ones missing out!!



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Guys, don't take it too seriously.

They're 14, 14 guys are rude and make mean jokes.

Ignore him or stop talking about Britney in front of him.

You know my friends aren't really into Britney's music but since i like it and I'm annoying everytime Britney pulls out something new, they started saying that she's pretty, they were slayed by WB video and they would play S&S everywhere.one even started following her on Twitter lol.

In the other hand I have this friend that is so into national rock music from here (practically the opposite than Britney's music) and we were walking one day and from inside of a house you xould listen they were playing "everytime" and I was like: :excited: and he was :4music: since then I never talked to him about Britney anymore.

The funniest part: he was in my house the other day and he was singing 'hit me baby one more timee' and I didn't say NOTHING so he was like: I wanna listen that song, so he oppened spotify and looked for BOMT, I think he thought it was just the song but he started playing the entire album, he didn't stopped it after the song (ofc neither would I) so we listened to BOMT in full :excited:

So just have to ignore the haters. They all fall down by the power of godney :Godney:

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Guys, don't take it too seriously.

They're 14, 14 guys are rude and make mean jokes.

Ignore him or stop talking about Britney in front of him.

You know my friends aren't really into Britney's music but since i like it and I'm annoying everytime Britney pulls out something new, they started saying that she's pretty, they were slayed by WB video and they would play S&S everywhere.one even started following her on Twitter lol.

In the other hand I have this friend that is so into national rock music from here (practically the opposite than Britney's music) and we were walking one day and from inside of a house you xould listen they were playing "everytime" and I was like: :excited: and he was :4music: since then I never talked to him about Britney anymore.

The funniest part: he was in my house the other day and he was singing 'hit me baby one more timee' and I didn't say NOTHING so he was like: I wanna listen that song, so he oppened spotify and looked for BOMT, I think he thought it was just the song but he started playing the entire album, he didn't stopped it after the song (ofc neither would I) so we listened to BOMT in full :excited:

So just have to ignore the haters. They all fall down by the power of godney :Godney:

it goes beyond just britney tho, did u read the op? hes being mean to the op in general. him being 14 isnt an excuse. at what age does bullying suddenly become unacceptable?  :frenchy:

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it goes beyond just britney tho, did u read the op? hes being mean to the op in general. him being 14 isnt an excuse. at what age does bullying suddenly become unacceptable?  :frenchy:

No that's not even close to what I mean. Bullying is never acceptable. I just don't see it like bullying, I'm saying that I can imagine my 14 yo friends making horrible jokes (not as rude as the op like "wanting her death" but rude jokes at the end) and it's just to make you get angry.kids are like that, and when you grow up just a little bit everyone's preferences start to become more accepted. When you are younger you're supposed to like what everyone likes (that's terrible and i'm not saying he should stop liking Britney) I mean he should be like: ok, fuck off then, you don"t like Britney, i'm not gonna make you listen to Britney, but I like her so don't speak garbage of her in front of me.

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Ill kick his ass for you


also he probably has a crush on you


Im a long term Britney fan and part of the reason her fans love her so much is because we have had to stand up to such bullshit from the hating part of society that envies talented, beautiful, rich, successful, influential women


just look at your friend as being lame and insecure and that you are above that...show you are unaffected by his desperate attempts at trying to think hes funny


People will always try 2 get a rise outta you, so this is the perfect experience to strengthen your ability to stay ahead


later to a hater...life is good why be w someone unpleasant 

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