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Amada Bynes Spoted Looking Sad And Clearly Not Well

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She has that stare that Britney had during late 2007,that empty scary stare.......I have a bad feeling that if someone don't step in smth bad is gonna happen :(

Stay strong Amanda (and her family) you will go trough this

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omg she looks emptry and sad, ugh hope she gets the love and support that she need soon

she clearly is off her meds she needs mditoring 24/7

My biggest fear I that smth bad might happen if someone doesn't step in soon....

And she was doing so good stay strong beautiful amanda

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I thought she was getting better, I saw a couple of pictures of her looking really healthy and happy, something must have happened...

I wish nothing but the best for her, I hope she gets the help she needs and gets to reach the happiness she deserves!

she was for almost a year,she even went back to school....she looked like old Amanda...

But as soonest he cship was over,her parents let her move out......old problems came back :/

I wish nothing but the best for.....brilliant comedy actress and person

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Honestly, her parents should try approaching her again

Sadly her parents can't do anything for her.

And fighting her demons by herself won't help either. Just make it worse.

She needs a friend. Someone who won't sell her out and someone who actually cares about her. But in this day and age that's hard to come across.

 I'd hate to see her lose herself and end this battle. I really hope she gets through this.


I kind of relate to her. I had a personal battle in 2011 after my mom died and it's not an easy thing to go through.

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I see a lot of parallels with what happened to Britney. Amanda also shaved her head (partially) and goes around wearing pink wigs talking to herself, and finally ended up in a 5150 hold. I have to wonder if the reason she's going through all this was triggered by the same thing that triggered Britney. I hope she gets better soon, all this is hitting too close to home because it's reminding me of 2007ney and that always makes me sad  :crying1: 

On another note, why did Amanda's conservatorship end only after a year while Britney's continues to go on even though Britney is clearly more stable than Amanda???????

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Sadly her parents can't do anything for her.

And fighting her demons by herself won't help either. Just make it worse.

She needs a friend. Someone who won't sell her out and someone who actually cares about her. But in this day and age that's hard to come across.

 I'd hate to see her lose herself and end this battle. I really hope she gets through this.


I kind of relate to her. I had a personal battle in 2011 after my mom died and it's not an easy thing to go through.



I get so mad when I see talented stars like Amanda lose its path. It's sad because she is so talented and she needs help. When stars like her lose their way, they let bad people get in their lives because they are lost so they take advantage of them. The same thing happened to Lindsay Lohan, but she's finally getting back in her track now. They both are good actresses and I feel nothing but compassion for them both. Unlike the most population that keeps reading garbage that the press says and keep bashing them.

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